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Updated 2025-03-31 04:31
It Looks like ComicEasel/ComicPress are no longer being updated. It is a shame since it was the best. I'm open to suggestions...
Butch and Sundance on ‘Nip
Look at how much larger Butch has gown than Sundance in just a few days.
Butch and Sundance
I've got kittens, Butch and Sundance (6 mo old). Frankie in background (20 this November).
Tech difficulties
I am embarrassed to say that I still don't have a PC up to running Poser. I meant to build one but vision hasn't recovered as hoped. I've been promised help, but hasn't panned out.
What’s stopping me…
I've some decent glasses now, and the most recent eye operation is most successful. I am still getting use to having the one eye (Oden One Eye. get it?), burry spots on the retina, I probiley legally blind. And i've[...] Read the rest of this entry...
Andy is doing better
I am going to figure this site out and post some photos. My brother had recent eye surgery, again, this time they physically scooped out the blood and gooey bits and he is recovering nicely. Physically, he is also doing[...] Read the rest of this entry...
I can’t see…?!
I woke up a few day to blood with in my one good eye. Fun. A vesal in my eye is leaking. I go in for laser sugery on Nov 10. Stil more delays... EDIT! This is Andy's sister[...] Read the rest of this entry...
I don't know what prompted it, but Dreamhost brought down TMI over a traffic issue last 26th (Aug). I call BS on that. I later later Lenard that was major WordPress exploitsss going on at time. Just sayin'.... They wanted[...] Read the rest of this entry...
My computer (Jaz) appears intact, now I have to find my moniter in all this mess. After that more TMI!
GoFundMe (for real this time)
I set up a real GoFundMe this time. https://gofund.me/9e95003e Brand X hasn't give my any money yet. There hold on the until the 15 and the 30, in spite of thier own FAQ. They changed FAQ sinice then. But I[...] Read the rest of this entry...
The Cat is back
Frankie and my sister arrived this morning. Unpanking...
Angelink by mistake
I feel real stupid I opened a account with Angelink instead of GoFundMe. I was tired, and I'Ld enter gofundme and first link delivered to an unknown brand. I am inclined to give up.
I setup a GoFundMe page. Thank you, everyone. https://angelinkweb.page.link/FgWhPYddYLWF5cSw5 I'm kidding about the Telsa. I would need a driver...
I knew this was coming. I just knew. No, there was no plan against me. But I sure lost out, never-the-less. This move has cost me I could spare. I am overdrawn. I am still behind on my medical bills.[...] Read the rest of this entry...
Ajo AZ
Move successful, partly. I am now in Arizona. The beautiful community of Ajo. Everyone is so pleasant and nice. And, while is HOT here, it is not muggy, or dreary, or cold,… I could go on and on. […]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
I Can SEE!
Cataract was a big success. I don’t have that weird star astigmatism. Now my biggest problem is paying the bills… but won’t be a problem for getting back to TMI. And I’ve got to finish posting Aelfhiem. (Anime is another[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Shopping trip! ↓ Transcript(Im)Mutiny Ace: Stomy-? Stormy: I’m going with you. Or to be perfectly clear, you aren’t going anywhere without me. I’m the mission commander. My orders are to pick up necessities. I can get them at Ceres station.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Little Flower
Not so desperate she would let a MAN at her controls… ↓ TranscriptRuby: Before you get all onboard, let just me gas for vermin. Ace: Vermin? Like rats and mice? Ruby: Rats. Definitely rats. And we're still waiting on the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Power Flower
↓ TranscriptLuna Ruby? Jaz: Begonia? Ace: I’ll tell you how she helped save our world sometime. How ya doing, my friend? Ruby: YOU CAD! You sneak into a lady’s place of repose, and place your filthy hands on my no-[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Flower Power
An old friend… ↓ TranscriptAce: Ladies. Let me introduce, an old friend, Ruby Begonia.
Hospitalized again
Just got my tablet.., I was going to start posting again but guess what I’m in the hospital hi I have got a bacterial infection. And it’s seriously wiped me out. I’m talking too weak to get off the floor.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Bless You
I don’t recall her saying she was a ninja… ↓ TranscriptAce: Did you know that cashews are poisonous in their raw form? Oh! Never mind. The perfect name a ninja squirrel.
Vote Incentive: New Besties
Kashū got a “breast” of the situation. Link NSFW.
I think “Peanut” was a bit over done… I some ideas for vote incentives. ↓ TranscriptAce: Akane, where is your squirrel? You begged me to let you keep her. Akane: Kashū is on mission. Kashū: (seems to say) Hiya, Toots.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
↓ TranscriptLuna: We got to the Vet's office. And they studiously ignored us, but we found the cats and Akane’s squirrel already for transport. Ace: Where is Akane? I thought she went with you. Luna: She was right behind me[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Making A Break
With (Over)Due Care
Gabe, Gabe, Gabe. Your mom already knows. ↓ TranscriptAce: Gabe, I ... Gabriel: Hold on. Eniki, privacy mode. Eniki: ACKNOWLEDGED. PRESS THE INTERCOM BUTTON TO RE-ENABLE THE MICROPHONE AGAIN. MICROPHONE OFF. Gabriel: Nabi said we should be careful of what[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
↓ TranscriptGabe: My Duke. Come in. Ace: “My Duke.” Gabe: You hired me as your rep. Gotta get formties straight. Ace: You're really looking forward to this, aren't you?
Flash girl, Chinese and Western duel (閃光少女中西對決)
Excuses, excuses
I should know better. I know my cat gets bored during the night. And he likes my glasses for some reason. And you know where this is getting. I’ve learned to put my glasses away, but I’m still prone to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Due Credit
More like overdue. ↓ TranscriptK’Aya: You’ve seen to our things? na-B’Lili: Yes. And I’ve placed them aboard the shuttle as Assemblymember’s Private cargo. We should sneak aboard as soon as you are ready. K’Aya: Sneak? Is that really necessary? na-B’Lili:[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Jaz is in charge of entertainment… ↓ TranscriptAce: Three days we've been aboard this ship, and while I enjoy the company of the Orion’s I do not wish to spend the next 3 to 6 months for the round trip[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Wakeup Call
Looks he’ll have to take a raincheck. ↓ TranscriptENKI: JUST ACE? I’VE GOT AN INCOMING TEXT MESSAGE FOR YOU FROM IOLA KIRKÉ. Ace: Read it to me. ENKI: THE MESSAGE READS,“IT'S A SHAME THE PARTY IS OFF. BUT YOU’RE WELCOME[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Dirty Girls
K’aya gets overly friendly in the sento. NSFW link. Vote for TMI on TopWebComics.com
↓ TranscriptCountess K’Aya: One thing I am NOT going to miss is communal bathing. na-B’Lili: Have you learned anything more about the resupply shuttle to Ceres? Countess K’Aya: Well, it's scheduled to depart in the next 10 to 20 hours.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Studly Space
Too bad the Countess isn’t part oh the gossip tree…
Five? Yeah, that’s the ticket. Only five ↓ TranscriptPeach: You’ve lost another lander?! X: No wonder ours come under fire the moment they enter the atmosphere. Peach: What is this? Five? Ixil: Yeah. Five. Gina: Seven. In US airspace.
Name Drop
Number The Beast
↓ TranscriptIxil: Hex! His name was Hex.
Naked Moon
↓ TranscriptHex: The residents won’t be in any time soon, so you can shower in the pool changing room over there. You can wear one of the track suits from the lockers. Thrall: What- Who are you? --- Hex howls[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Paper Moon
A date? ↓ TranscriptBleh! I got some in my mouth! Thrall sobs. --- Hex: And you… Thrall: Just make it quick. --- Hex: Don’t be in such a hurry to die. I’m not going to hurt you. You're still mortal[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Blue Moon
I take it he’s on to the trick… ↓ TranscriptCount Morté: I say, again, hold. By the terms of the Shadow Proclamation, you must obey me. Why are you stil…
Nothing to be excited about… ↓ TranscriptCount Morté: Hold, Beast! I compel thee. You’re a bold one. You’ve done me a favor, eliminating that fool. But you’ve miscalculated. You should have killed me first. My heart isn't so vulnerable. Now[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Bad Moon Risin’
Who this coming?
I final found a good copy of Aefheim. CHAPTER 20–DISCLOSURE on line now.
She doesn’t even remember her name.
Busting Out
Ooh! That’s got to hurt!
Good, Better, Baddest
↓ TranscriptRiccardo: I was being rhetorical. Count Morté: Oh, really. Riccardo: I don’t suppose you know a way we can gain entry. I smell vigin. And it's making me hunger. Count Morté: No. It's mystical. But you want to tempt[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Seeing Is
My last pair computer glasses broke. I have money tomorrow, but I wai to delivery.
Simple Question
this took alot longer than I thought it would take. ↓ Transcript Count Morté: Ah! Here she comes right now. = = = Count Morté: Report Thall: This unworthy one begs forgives for taking so long to compete her task,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...