Science Toys For Girls

in science on (#3HM)
story imageWired has an interesting article about a new company, Goldiebox , who is making science and engineering toys targeted to young girls . Apparently, this new direction in play-education was not supported by the conventional toy industry, but through crowd-funding Goldiebox was able to break into the mass market and is going like gang-busters. Interesting quote from the CEO: "A lot of the men in the toy industry have daughters, and many of them are tired of what they have to offer their daughters, too."

Re: LEGO Blocks (Score: 3, Interesting)

by on 2014-04-10 12:44 (#11K)

We had female LEGO people when I was growing up. They were the same flat chested LEGO people with a different hair piece. The stuff they are making now is ridiculous. The girl stuff is all pastels, and the girl LEGO characters are different...WHY?!? I completely agree with you. LEGOS should be unisex. By creating gender roles and pushing gender stereotypes through "special" girl sets, LEGO is crushing the imaginations and futures of half the human population. Girls are being silo'ed into thinking they should grow up to be what the company thinks they should be, and not letting the child really discover what they can be, anything they want. Girls that play with these sets are more likely to fail in life. Not because they are incapable of the same things boys are, but because the company has successfully tricked them into thinking that through marketing.

Society still needs to change.
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