Opensource firmware turn miniquadcopter into acrobatic drone.

Anonymous Coward
in robotics on (#1225X)
story imageSince now you're going to either register your drone or have to be flying your indoors anyway in the USA, you might as well celebrate the one freedom you still have the freedom to re-flash the firmware with open source! The Eachine H8 is a typical-looking mini-quadcopter of the kind that sell for under $20. Inside, the whole show is powered by an ARM Cortex-M3 processor, with the programming pins easily visible. Who could resist? Garagedrone takes you through a step-by-step guide to re-flashing the device with a custom firmware to enable acrobatic mode, or simply to tweak the throttle-to-gyro mapping for the quad. The firmware author silverxxx from even got the code up on GitHub if you're interested in taking a peek. Next step, Skynet!

Re: Control a bunch for security (Score: 1)

by on 2016-01-28 22:26 (#1269X)

I was thinking of how the Roomba works with its cleaning schedule and auto-docking for recharge just with flying drones with cameras.... thanks for the tip, adding The Peripheral to my reading list :)
The Peripheral is an emphatic return to the science fiction he ceased to write after the turn of this century, set in not one but two futures... The Peripheral is basically a noirish murder mystery wearing a cyberpunk leather jacket
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The list ear, hospital and bank contains how many body parts?