Would you go totally off the grid

Anonymous Coward
in ask on (#13RRK)
Admit it, we have all thought about it. Off the grid. Disconnected. Bushed out. Gone. Ever wondered what happens when an entire town of people disconnects on purpose? Ever wanted to join such a community? Now you can as seen here on Unplanned America. The question though is: Would you?

Absolutely (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2016-02-15 01:28 (#13Z65)

It is The Thing to do around here. Buy some land near a lake or stream. Get a shipping container fitted out for ~$40K. Water via a tank. Electricity from solar cells. Thunderbox. Net via mobile. Garden with veggies. Peaceful life.
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28, twenty, 15, 11 and thirteen: the 2nd number is?