Re: and worse (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2017-01-06 13:29 (#27X0B)

The man handpicked by Malcolm Turnbull to head the government's digital transformation has said the error rate in Centrelink's data-matching process is so unfathomably high that it would send a commercial enterprise out of business.

Paul Shetler, the former digital transformation office head, criticised the government's response to its latest IT crisis, telling Guardian Australia it was symptomatic of a culture of blame aversion within the bureaucracy.

"It is literally blame aversion, it is not risk aversion," Shetler said. "They're trying to avoid the blame, and they're trying to cast it wide.

"The justifications that have been given I think are just another example of the culture of 'good news', reporting only good news up through the bureaucracy.
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Which of sixty one, 9, 54, 16, 28 or ninety five is the biggest?