R.I.P. Plasma Television - this chapter is over

in hardware on (#3PV)
story imageSamsung has announced they'll be discontinuing production of Plasma televisions, citing lack of demand. Panasonic has already quit, and it seems LG is about to do the same. Samsung has declared:
"We plan to continue our PDP TV business until the end of this year, due to changes in market demands. We remain committed to providing consumers with products that meet their needs, and will increase our focus on growth opportunities in UHD TV's and Curved TV's."
But wait, what about me? How am I supposed to watch all those great shows now?

They killed it (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-07-04 07:15 (#2BB)

They made it, they killed it. Plasma came too early as a competitor to CRT's and stayed there. When the LCD came out (worse in every aspect than the CRT) they marketed the LCD and forgot about plasma. Now everybody is happy to have a shitty colour (16 bits) LCD in their house some of them (full*) HD. The LED's have improved the colours a little but there is a long way until they reach the levels of CRT's from the same prize. Of course you can buy good LCD monitors but they are very expensive (see apple) and the picture quality is still no better than on a good CRT.

I'm still looking for those 16 Miliosn colours which i've lost when my CRT died.

* marketing improved over the years: "HD ready" became "HD" and "HD" became "Full HD"
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