Rocket scientist reinvents the sauce pan: maybe cooking is rocket science after all!

in science on (#3QA)
story imageThis week's Monday poll showed general consensus that scientists should be focusing on energy technology. Looks like some of them are doing just that, and who better to deal with heat and huge flames than a rocket scientist?

The Telegraph reports that a rocket scientist from Oxford University has reinvented the saucepan. The new design, developed by Dr. Thomas Povey, has regular channels incorporated into the pan's sides which allows heat delivered to the base to be captured more efficiently as it moves upwards around the pan's sides and testing indicates that it requires forty percent less energy to achieve equivalent cooking results compared with previous saucepan designs. According to the article, Dr. Povey originally hoped to improve the efficiency of cooking in the outdoors, but decided to develop his new Flare Pan design when he realized that the domestic market could also benefit.

A short summary video on the development and testing of Dr. Povey's new Flare Pan design is available on the Oxford University website.

[ed. note: the appropriate way to test this pan is with some good bacon, and as mentioned here, with a case of beer, for science.]

good ideas are sometimes obvious in retrospect? (Score: 3, Insightful)

by on 2014-07-11 12:04 (#2EY)

subject says it all -- actually analyzing heat transfer and linking that to the design of a pot seems kind of obvious in retrospect.

realizing that it hasn't already been done -- genius...

having a lab to do the tests -- sweet...
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