Your eyeball is your password

in hardware on (#3RW)
Interesting things brewing over at Google, where two recent patents show a push to operationalize new technology that lets you unlock a device using a retinal scan.
The process has three steps:
Receiving light on an iris of an eye
Detecting, at one or more light sensors disposed on or within a transparent lens covering at least a portion of the eye, light reflected from the light incident on the iris of the eye, wherein the light reflected comprises image data indicative of a pattern associated with the iris.
Outputting an iris fingerprint based in part on the image data
A related patent looks at an encoded contact lens and its application. Perhaps the days of Google Glass will be numbered, as the fashion-conscious will quickly move right to the next, obvious step.

Your eyeball is your USER ID! (Score: 3, Informative)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-07-27 14:19 (#2NR)

Mistaking user ID for password has the potential for bodily harm. Didn't anyone see Minority Report? Do you really want to create a world where criminals want to steal your eyeballs? Thinking of biometrics as a replacement for passwords is one of the STUPIDEST and MOST DANGEROUS of all security mistakes!

User ID: Public, anyone can copy it, never changes, but you don't try to keep it secret because no one can hurt you with it; they would need your password.

Password: Secret, no one else should see it, must be replaced every six months.

You really want to replace your eyeballs every six months? THINK dammit before you spout nonsense.
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