Your eyeball is your password

in hardware on (#3RW)
Interesting things brewing over at Google, where two recent patents show a push to operationalize new technology that lets you unlock a device using a retinal scan.
The process has three steps:
Receiving light on an iris of an eye
Detecting, at one or more light sensors disposed on or within a transparent lens covering at least a portion of the eye, light reflected from the light incident on the iris of the eye, wherein the light reflected comprises image data indicative of a pattern associated with the iris.
Outputting an iris fingerprint based in part on the image data
A related patent looks at an encoded contact lens and its application. Perhaps the days of Google Glass will be numbered, as the fashion-conscious will quickly move right to the next, obvious step.

Re: Your eyeball is your USER ID! (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-07-27 22:58 (#2NW)

Which is to say, the editor's use of "password" in the headline rather than "single factor authentication key" is a smart, normal decision. Unlike the wacko shouting in bold about Minority Report, he or she isn't scared and under the compulsion to shout at people about the superiority of two and three factor auth every time he sees people boarding a train after swiping a card through a turnstile.
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