iphone 6 and iwatch expected at today's event

in apple on (#2S6Y)
story imageThe tech press is tripping over itself today in breathless anticipation of the Apple event later today, in which it is largely expected Apple will announce a new, large screen iphone and potentially the famed iwatch. Techradar has a good roundup of the rumors and The Telegraph condenses it into an easy summary if you'd like to study up on the rumors before tuning into the event. From the Telegraph:
Apple's new mobile phone, the iPhone 6, will actually be two products: one with a 4.7in screen and a larger 5.5in model. Read all the latest rumours on the devices here and see our gallery of "leaked" images and artistic impressions here.

We will also see the launch of the "iWatch". The major technology companies (and several small ones) are fighting for a share of the rapidly expanding smartwatch market at the moment, and Apple is expected to stake its own claim today. The wrist-worn device is expected to play music, receive calls and send emails. Read all the latest rumours about the device here.
Or, you could just wait for Apple to do whatever they're going to do, and then come back here to comment on it. In either case, happy reading.

Re: Here's to hoping the iWatch is standalone (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-09 23:09 (#2S7R)

Of course. There is no other other phone that would know how to talk to it. It would be nice if there were open standards for this sort of thing, but perhaps that will happen in time.

Is there a single smart watch on the market or on the horizon that can interface with any old smartphone. If so, what does it/would it do? If not, why did you make this comment?
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