Skylake graphics do not have VGA connector support

in hardware on (#2S93)
story imageIntel has released more information regarding the availability of Skylake, their successor to Broadwell. The first surprise is that Skylake is still on track for an end of year release in 2015. After the delays with Broadwell, many thought that the Skylake roll-out would be similarly pushed back. Because of the lack of delay, the first Skylake chips will ship to manufacturers only a few months after the general availability of desktop Broadwell models.

Another surprise is that the Intel Gen 9 graphics completely do away with VGA connector support. That's right, the 15 pin analog "D" shaped connector is finally getting nixed - at least from the built-in Intel graphics.

Unlike Broadwell, which only supports DDR4 memory on the server and the extreme versions, Skylake will finally support DDR4 on consumer rated models.

Re: I'll not buy a laptop with these (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-13 01:53 (#2SC5)

Because anybody who is serious about giving a good talk will be prepared, and in this case being prepared means having the necessary video output adapter.
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