New Sailor Moon Dub is online

in anime on (#2S8Q)
story imageHave you always wanted to share the silly fun of Sailor Moon with your geeklings? Now's your chance! 23 episodes of the original, newly re-dubbed anime are now available online through Viz Media and Hulu.
If you suffered through the Sailor Moon DiC dub in the 90s, you'll find things are different now. In Viz's new dub, character names now match the manga. Sorry, Serena! The voice acting seems to be higher quality, with an admirable effort at matching the animated mouth movements without rushing the dialogue too much to fit the words in. Usagi is appropriately cute and whiny without being grating; my five-year-old commented more than once, "Sailor Moon is hilarious!"

The opening and ending songs, as well as the background and transformation music, remain unchanged and undubbed, which made me happy as an anime watcher who prefers subs over dubs. (I'm a sub snob.)
1 This article is a bit of an experiment. Never covered manga and related on Pipedot before. If you're interested in this topic, speak up; if you're not I probably won't submit similar articles since they're not really my cup of tea.

Re: Spoken language (Score: 1)

by on 2014-09-16 14:55 (#2SFD)

You can look into XBMC and VLC in the future. I live in Germany and own Region 1 and Region 2 DVDs. Both programs seem to play most of my DVDs in my Windows computer despite region locks. I usually hook up my computer to watch movies. We don't even own a "real" DVD player anymore. I keep an external DVD player around for the rare DVD that won't play. Be aware that XBMC is changing their name very soon to Kodi.
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