PirateBox 1.0 Released

Anonymous Coward
in code on (#3SC)
story imagePirateBox creates offline wireless networks designed for anonymous file sharing, chatting, message boarding, and media streaming. Think of it as your very own portable offline Internet in a box. PirateBox is designed to be private and secure. No logins are required and no user data is logged. Users remain anonymous - the system is purposely not connected to the Internet in order to subvert tracking and preserve user privacy. PirateBox is designed for openwrt. There are versions for android raspberry pi and linux.

Re: Useful (Score: 1)

by zafiro17@pipedot.org on 2014-08-10 21:02 (#2SJ)

Looks like it would be good for low-latency home networking, too. Why not keep those hops local? Sneaker net rules.
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