California Bill Requires Landlords to Allow EV Charging Stations

in hardware on (#2SJB)
California lawmakers have passed a bill that would enable residential and commercial tenants to install electric-vehicle charging stations, provided that they foot the bill, making it harder for landlords to enact lease provisions that would prevent tenants from buying and installing such stations. This to aid the state's goal of having 1.5 million zero-emissions vehicles on California's roads by 2025.

California is home to about 1,900 publicly accessible charging stations with about 5,400 charging outlets, according to the US Department of Energy. More than one in five US charging stations are in California.

Unplugging (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-18 16:00 (#2SJX)

Well I hope it requires the tenant to pay for the costs of removing the station when they move out then.

I'm all for EV, even if it doesn't really make sense economically, but screwing with the electric system and outdoor structure of a building you don't own is... rude.

There are similar rules for satellite TV owners... and when they leave they can take the dishes with them.
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