How the Ear Tunes Out Sounds Before They Reach Your Brain

in science on (#2SJW)
In a crowded room, how do you focus on your companion's voice while ignoring the conversations going on around you? A digital model of the cochlea, the shell-shaped organ that serves as an interface between sound waves and the nervous system, suggests the ear begins filtering out background sounds before they even reach the brain.

Studying how the brain hones in on a single voice, a phenomenon known as the "cocktail party effect," can help unlock how the brain perceives sound. But it's not just about the brain. For several decades, researchers have suspected that other parts of the auditory system also play a big role.

Yes, but (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-19 13:37 (#2SKT)

.. can it filter out my wife's nagging before it reaches my brain..
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