New BeagleBoard-X15 announced

in hardware on (#2V1H)
Following closely on the new Raspberry Pi A+ announcement from yesterday, the new BeagleBoard-X15 has been announced:

The device has decent specs: 2x 1.5GHz Cortex-A15, 2GB RAM, 4GB eMMC, eSATA port, 2xGigBit Ethernet, 3xUSB 3.0 ports, 1xHDMI.

From the site:
The original BeagleBoard pretty much single-handedly started the trend of open-spec Linux SBCs supported by hacking communities. It helped inspire the Raspberry Pi and dozens of other hacker boards. It had appeared that the BeagleBoard line would continue to fade into legacy as focused on the BeagleBone, but the brand has come roaring back to life. says it is hosting the official wiki for the device, and will offer more details in the coming weeks. The X15 is in beta and will ship from and its hardware partners in late February, says ELinux.
No price has been announced yet.

Re: Beagleboard before Raspberry Pi, really? (Score: 2, Informative)

by on 2014-11-13 16:23 (#2V1Z)

4 only. 2013 does not predate 2012.
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