Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs

Anonymous Coward
in linux on (#2V55)
An open source casino video game was recently posted to the Debian bug tracker as a request for packaging, as is the standard method for pursuing such things in Debian. The bug was quickly closed, tagged as "won't fix." The reason given by one of the Debian developers alluded to the authors' conservative views and his advocacy of them.

The author in question clearly expressed his views back in 2005, resulting in him being the first person ever banned from Debian mailing lists, and a month later from the bug tracking system.

The piece of software in question is licensed under the GPL and is one of the only of it's kind for Linux (ASCII-art console slot machine software). Is professing progressive politics now a hard requirement for being allowed to contribute to open source?

[Ed. note: The question is, rather, where should the line be between personal and professional?]

Free To Be Arrogant (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-11-22 16:02 (#2V5T)

Banning a software submission because you oppose the views and behavior of the submitter is actually one of the more intolerantly conservative things that could happen: Deciding that you've locked on to the secret of the universe and that it gives you the privilege of allowing the means to justify the ends you are convinced the universe wants you to impose on everyone else.

This has everything to do with arrogance. If libertarianism FOSS-style has anything to do with it, it's to demonstrate that people inevitably band together in little cliques to seek their own advantage at the expense of others. Libertarianism offers no countervailing force to buffer the abused from the abusers.
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