Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs

Anonymous Coward
in linux on (#2V55)
An open source casino video game was recently posted to the Debian bug tracker as a request for packaging, as is the standard method for pursuing such things in Debian. The bug was quickly closed, tagged as "won't fix." The reason given by one of the Debian developers alluded to the authors' conservative views and his advocacy of them.

The author in question clearly expressed his views back in 2005, resulting in him being the first person ever banned from Debian mailing lists, and a month later from the bug tracking system.

The piece of software in question is licensed under the GPL and is one of the only of it's kind for Linux (ASCII-art console slot machine software). Is professing progressive politics now a hard requirement for being allowed to contribute to open source?

[Ed. note: The question is, rather, where should the line be between personal and professional?]

Re: Notice (Score: 1)

by on 2014-11-23 11:40 (#2V6T)

I just don't respect it here. If one checks out 'Tanuki64' on Slushdot, one can easily see, that very often I say exactly the same things. So there really is no way to confuse me with a geek, feminist SJW. The difference is, I don't pour the hate slurry everywhere I go, but where it belongs: As response of misandric feminazi propaganda, which nowadays is far too often given a platform on Slushdot. I was happy, that |. was free of this sickness. Though I expected and expect SJW subversion attempts as soon as |. gets more popular, I am surprised and disgusted by this totally unprovoked trolling spree from 'the other side'. And yes... guilty of voting 'Troll' for most of his posts.

Initially I voted to have this article here and apologize for it. I had no idea what was behind it. From the initial wording of the article it wasn't obvious that it was no |. material and as Debian user it looked interesting enough to me.

For me this topic is done now. With one small disclaimer, which I cannot and never want to hold back in this context:
Hating feminists is not hating women or misogyny. Just as hating nazis isn't racism. The distinction between feminists and women should be always made.
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