Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs

Anonymous Coward
in linux on (#2V55)
An open source casino video game was recently posted to the Debian bug tracker as a request for packaging, as is the standard method for pursuing such things in Debian. The bug was quickly closed, tagged as "won't fix." The reason given by one of the Debian developers alluded to the authors' conservative views and his advocacy of them.

The author in question clearly expressed his views back in 2005, resulting in him being the first person ever banned from Debian mailing lists, and a month later from the bug tracking system.

The piece of software in question is licensed under the GPL and is one of the only of it's kind for Linux (ASCII-art console slot machine software). Is professing progressive politics now a hard requirement for being allowed to contribute to open source?

[Ed. note: The question is, rather, where should the line be between personal and professional?]

Re: MikeeUSA ? TBI or psychotic breakdown? (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-11-24 21:56 (#2V83)

I have worked with a victim of the latter for years. Turned a hard working IT expert into a slacking sarcastic depressive moron who has trouble now just getting to work. His negativity soaks the workplace bringing everyone down while he outwardly appears to be your standard friendly middle aged IT guy. He puts more effort into avoiding work and hurting others than actually work. Many times tasks which should take hours drag on for weeks. None of his friends can believe he acts like this at work. He is a broken man. Losing his house along with just about everything else cracked him. Probably the straw which broke the camels back was his wife's successful claim against his future earnings. He kills productivity. Our own version of Wally.
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