Google has changed how new app permissions are applied when updating Google Play apps. Previously, automatically updated apps displayed explicit details and required user confirmation when a new version gained additional privileges. Google Play no longer displays the addition of new privileges if a user has previously accepted any other permission in the same category as the new permission. This makes it possible for an app to sneak in permission changes without the user realising making the Android platform less secure.
Not sure what we need but it's got to be better than the status quo. I read all the privilege needs and usually can't imagine why simple apps need such broad permissions. I hedge my bets by using paid apps rather than free apps than need to advertise. But ultimately reputation as risk and a broad app market vie against network effects and peer pressure. But let's say I love whatsapp for communicating with friends and suddenly that app gets greedy with permissions? If I choose not to allow I'm also choosing not to continue using the app. Rapacious and scumbag developers know this.