Review of six Chromebooks for school

in hardware on (#3VM)
Getting ready to purchase a laptop before classes start - for yourself or your kid? Considering a chromebook instead of a regular laptop? Over at ZDNet, Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols (SJVN) reviews six of the top Chromebooks and provides a couple of recommendations.

Chromebooks are increasingly well-suited to the classroom, with little maintenance or management overhead, a low cost, and much of what the typical user needs. In fact, now that Microsoft Office is an online web service, you can even access them from a Chromebook! This post was submitted using a Chromebook I intended to reformat and use with a Linux distro but haven't needed to re-image. If you can stomach being harnessed to Google's software ecosystem and services, there are lots of good reasons to check out Chromebooks, and the low price is just one of them. Over to SJVN with the rest.

On the ropes (Score: 1)

by on 2014-08-15 11:18 (#3W1)

I'm still on the ropes with this reformat of my Chromebook. On the one hand, this machine does admirably most of what I'd like it to do. On the other hand, it does not do a couple of things I need every day. Weirdly, back in 2000 when it came time to reformat Win98 and put on Linux (SuSE 7.1, if you're curious) I went full steam ahead. This time, the differences in firmware and the whole "developer mode" thing somehow make me a bit more anxious about borking my box. Or maybe I've aged and am now more risk averse.

What will probably tip me over the edge is noticing all the subtle but creepy ways Google "knows me" through my interactions on Youtube, G+, and searching the 'Net. I've got a couple of adverts following me across the WWW right now and it reminds me it might be smart to keep some distance from Google.

That said, its 4 second boot to a usable web browser is pretty awesome.
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