the Internet of Things ate my network

in hardware on (#3Y0)
story imageThe Internet of Things, whatever that means, is coming, and our networks are not prepared for it.
Cisco estimates, for example, that by 2018 the typical new car will have no less than four machine-to-machine connections. That single statistic alone introduces more than 60 million new connections every year, and that's just for automobiles.

No one really knows how the Internet of Things will play out. There will certainly be a lot of trial and error. But if it takes off the way top industry experts are anticipating, the Internet of Things (including wearable computing and the industrial Internet) will force a re-evaluation of the network infrastructures in place, otherwise those networks run the risk of getting hopelessly clogged.

Where do potential network bottlenecks lurk?
More on the subject at RCRWireless.

"But if it takes off the way top industry experts are anticipating" (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-08-17 21:36 (#3Y5)


We live in an Internet of things already. I hope it doesn't come as too much of surprise to the top men. We'll be fine.
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Eighteen, 96, sixty one or 43: which of these is the largest?