The best large-screen smartphones

in hardware on (#1ZF3N)
Large-screen smartphones, a.k.a. phablets, are bigger than ever-especially in terms of popularity. Industry analyst IDC says more smartphones with 5.5-inch or larger displays are being sold than ever before, accounting for 33 percent of the phones sold in the U.S. this year. And the people who buy phablets use their phones more than consumers with smaller-screened models. The following phablets are among the best large-screen models in Consumer Reports' ratings.

* OnePlus 3
* LG V10
* Moto Z Droid Force
* Samsung Galaxy S7 edge
* Apple iPhone 7 Plus

With the exception of the iPhone 7, all of these models support rapid charging, which can replenish a near-dead battery to about 50 percent capacity in less than a half-hour.


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