Google Code Shutting Down

in google on (#4TQX)
Google's project hosting service, Google Code, is the latest Google product to get the axe. Launched in 2006, the site hosted many FLOSS-type software projects and provided free downloads, source code management, an issue tracker, and wiki pages. Although new project creation is already disabled, the site will stay functional until August 2015 in order to give projects time to migrate to alternatives, such as GitHub and GitLab.

With so many high-profile Google services inexplicably closing, one has to wonder if relying on the continued availability of any Google services is a good idea. Of course, closures are not always exclusive to Google. Gitorious and Freecode are recent examples of other project development sites that have recently shut their doors.

Google Yanks Another One (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-03-15 01:42 (#4YW2)

When will people stop relying on these guys?

So many projects fled SourceForge (for valid reasons) and ended up on Google Code. Now what will they do? And LESS than 6 months to hope everybody gets the word and moves their stuff? This sounds TERRIBLE.

For a company of Google's breadth and scope, a 5 month warning seems very stingy, more the kind of act of a company bleeding cash.

I never used Google Reader, but I sympathize with those who got burned by it (and the other various Google orphan dead).

And yet... people still look at me funny when I explain how I set up my own mail server so I don't have to rely on a free service like GMail. Sheesh.
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