New Text Editor from GitHub

in code on (#3EZ)
GitHub is stepping into the text editor arena with Atom. Although the editor acts as a web application, the project is using a specialized variant of Chromium to render itself as a native application. This allows Atom to access local resources, like a file system browser, where a normal web application would have security restrictions.
For this reason, we didn't build Atom as a traditional web application. Instead, Atom is a specialized variant of Chromium designed to be a text editor rather than a web browser. Every Atom window is essentially a locally-rendered web page.
Not too much to see yet, but you can visit the landing page to sign up for the beta.

Re: Notepad++ (Score: 2)

by on 2014-02-28 11:44 (#84)

I imagine it will be a lot more streamlined out of the box. But I'm an avid NPP user myself, wonderful editor!
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