3D Printed Paper Microscope to Help Combat Malaria

in hardware on (#3F9)
story imageThis oragami microscope can be folded in 10 minutes with 50 cents of materials. In addition to the 3D printed card-stock, the kit includes a small lens, an LED, and a watch battery. The goal of the project is to provide a cheap medical screening tool that could be widely used in the developing world.

Re: Cool ... wait a minute ... (Score: 2, Interesting)

by reziac@pipedot.org on 2014-03-10 06:18 (#C1)

Also it assumes "suitable paper available". Which in some areas might be a stretch. But a microscope is basically just two lenses and a sliding tube; it need not be complicated nor expensive. I use a toy microscope for livestock stuff, and it's sufficient to view bacteria and parasites.
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