What do you use for an ergonomic workstation?

in hardware on (#3G0)
story imageFirst it was ergonomic keyboards and mice, then ergonomic keyboard trays and lumbar-support chairs. Standing desks came next, and as XKCD points out, we're not done yet. No surprise then, that the SXSW event led to display of some new ideas, such as Martin Keen's new Leaning chair, basically a repurposed tractor seat posted at an angle.

How do you stay comfortable for the 23.5 hours that you are parked in front of a computer? And with all this ergonomic stuff, when will the madness end?

Re: Hospital bed (Score: 1)

by rocks@pipedot.org on 2014-03-17 19:52 (#MN)

Good office chairs appear to cost enough to warrant them being a business need and a business expense rather than having to pay for one out of salary, for example. I fight for myself or any of my colleagues to get good ergonomic equipment at work though. I think it impacts performance and thus can be justified on entirely economic grounds.
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