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Video: Defending the Planet with Lustre
"Pleiades, one of the world's most powerful supercomputers, represents NASA's state-of-the-art technology for meeting the agency's supercomputing requirements, enabling NASA scientists and engineers to conduct modeling and simulation for NASA missions. Powered by Lustre, this distributed-memory SGI ICE cluster is connected with InfiniBand in a dual-plane hypercube technology."The post Video: Defending the Planet with Lustre appeared first on insideHPC.
Docker 1.6: Engine and Orchestration Updates, Registry 2.0, and Windows Client
Video: Application-optimized Lustre Solutions for Big-Data Workflows
In this video from LUG 2015 in Denver, Robert Triendl from DDN presents: Application-optimized Lustre Solutions for Big-Data Workflows.The post Video: Application-optimized Lustre Solutions for Big-Data Workflows appeared first on insideHPC.
Fixing Italy, a little bit at a time
Sunday Open Thread: Vancouver Skytrain in 1988
The original Mark I trains still sound the same but the areas around the station have developed greatly.
Long division, part two
This is a sequel to my 2009 post about division of long integers. I am occasionally asked why this code produces a bizarre error message: Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(i / 6000000000, 5)); Where i is an integer. The error is: The call is … Continue reading →
Precedence: ordering or grouping?
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m part of the technical group looking at updating the ECMA-334 C# standard to reflect the C# 5 Microsoft specification. I recently made a suggestion that I thought would be uncontroversial, but which caused some discussion – and prompted this “request for comment” post, effectively. What does the standard say about … Continue reading Precedence: ordering or grouping? →
When You Lose Weight, Where Does It Go?
GitWikXiv: Toward a successor to the academic paper
SSL Labs RC4 Deprecation Plan
Nobody wants to use RC4. This well known stream cipher would have been retired long time ago if it weren’t for several critical problems in SSL and TLS, problems that affect block ciphers only–for example, BEAST, Lucky 13, and POODLE. So RC4 ended up being the lesser evil. Take BEAST, for example. There are mitigations […]
CodingGame – A real time strategy game for programmers
DRY out your policies
Occasionally I’m asked to review code that has a lot of repetition in it. Like, for instance, someone is writing a function memoizer: static Func<A, R> Memoize<A, R>(this Func<A, R> function) { var cache = new Dictionary<A, R>(); return argument … Continue reading →
Elixir vs. Erlang: a question of momentum
Sunday Open Thread: Fun with headlines
Smashes, SMASHES! into that poor little car. :( Alternative title could have been: Driver weaves around car sitting in the left turn lane, ignores the red light, tries to turn left from center lane, ignores train signal, inevitable happens.
Wizards and warriors, part one
A common problem I see in object-oriented design is: A wizard is a kind of player. A warrior is a kind of player. A staff is a kind of weapon. A sword is a kind of weapon. A player has … Continue reading →
What’s New in SSL Labs 1.16.x
Yesterday (27 April), we released a new version of SSL Labs. In this blog post I’d like to quickly go over what was changed: there were a healthy number of improvements, a few fixes, and a large number of additions to the API. New features and assessment improvements: Added checks for Certificate Transparency in certificate, […]
Four MLs (and a Python)
Wizards and warriors, part two
In this series we’re exploring the problem “a player can use a weapon, a wizard is a kind of player, a staff is a kind of weapon, but a wizard can only use a staff”. The best solution we’ve come … Continue reading →
Talking About Money
Wizards and warriors, part three
So let’s digress for a few episodes here. We’ll temporarily leave aside the problem of how we can have both a Player that has a Weapon and a Wizard that has a Staff. (Or Dagger.) Supposing that we can figure … Continue reading →
Common mistakes in date/time formatting and parsing
There are many, many questions on Stack Overflow about both parsing and formatting date/time values. (I use the term “date/time” to mean pretty much “any type of chronlogical information” – dates, times of day, instants in time etc.) Given how often the same kinds of mistakes are made, I thought it would be handy to … Continue reading Common mistakes in date/time formatting and parsing →
Let It Crash the Right Way
C++: A jump table with a template device
Wizards and warriors, part four
Last time we saw that in order to decide what code to call based on the runtime type of one argument — single dispatch — we could use virtual dispatch. And we saw that we could use the inaptly-named Visitor … Continue reading →
BRT works in Eugene
Emerald Express (EmX) is a popular and growing BRT system in Eugene OR.
PC-BSD 10.1.2-RC1 Now Available
European Union VAT and my bookstore
Introducing Windows 10 Editions
SML and OCaml: So, why was the OCaml faster?
A statistician's initial experiences of Git/GitHub
Is Pop Music Getting Less Intelligent?
When everything you know is wrong, part one
Finalizers are interesting and dangerous because they are an environment in which everything you know is wrong. I’ve written a lot about the perils of C# finalizers / destructors (either name is fine) over the years, but it’s scattered in … Continue reading →
Null-checking considerations in F# – it's harder than you think
SSL Labs 1.17: RC4, Obsolete Crypto, and Logjam
Yesterday we released SSL Labs 1.17.10, whose main goal was to introduce grading adjustments we had talked about a month ago. We delivered the planned changes as well as a few additional tweaks. Our release coincided with an announcement of a new attack against TLS, called Logjam, and we had some time to work on […]
When everything you know is wrong, part two
Now that we’ve looked at a bunch of myths about when finalizers are required to run, let’s consider when they are required to not run: Myth: Keeping a reference to an object in a variable prevents the finalizer from running … Continue reading →
SSL Labs: Increased Penalty When TLS 1.2 Is Not Supported
Earlier this week we released SSL Labs 1.17.10, whose main purpose was to increase the penalty when RC4 is used with modern protocols (i.e., TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2). We had announced this change some time ago, and then put in place on May 20. The same release introduced another change, which was to increase […]
The responsibility we have as software engineers
Using Monads in C++ to Solve Constraints: 4. Refactoring
A different copy-paste error
I briefly discussed copy-paste errors in code earlier; though this is a rich area of defects that I will probably at some point go into more detail on, that’s not for today. Though this is a trivial little issue, I … Continue reading →
Information Exchange Between the Ubuntu Community Council and the Kubuntu Coun
Economist magazine argues against tax-deductible debt
Why firewalls won’t matter in a few years
Reminder: STB Meetup and Happy Hour Tonight
As a reminder, we invite you to join us for our next STB Meetup TONIGHT from 5:30-7:30pm at the Impact Hub in Pioneer Square. Metro planners Ted Day and Jeremy Fichter will join us to discuss the U-Link restructure, with a brief presentation beginning at 5:30 and plenty of time for open Q&A thereafter. At roughly […]
The Entropy of a DNA profile (2009)
Sunday Open Thread: The Cambridge Guided Busway
The Cambridge Guided Busway is the world’s longest with 16 miles of guided sections. The guidance allows buses to run on a very narrow right of way (typical of many former railroad lines). It’s greener due to the vegetation that grows between the grooved concrete slabs which contain the wheels of the bus. Running the buses on […]
Dear Paul
Online price discrimination: Conspicuous by its absence
Dropbox 3.7.31 is auto-installing their browser extension into Chrome
Backwards compatibility is (still) hard
At the moment, I’m spending a fair amount of time thinking about a new version of the C# API and codegen for Protocol Buffers, as well as other APIs for interacting with Google services. While that’s the context for this post, I want to make it very clear that this is still a personal post, … Continue reading Backwards compatibility is (still) hard →
Emergency Security Band-Aids with Systemtap