The Lure of Retro Computing

in hardware on (#3K0)
story imageWhat's the best computer you ever owned? Step aside with your Core Duo, son, and make some room for the gentleman who wants to tell you about his Commodore 64 . Or Sinclair ZX . Or DEC Terminal .

Retro computing is hotter than ever, attracting the interest of a whole new generation who takes interest in the machines of the 60s, 70s, and 80s. You may have missed the Retro Computing Fair in East Philadelphia last month, but that doesn't mean you're out of luck. Roswell, Georgia is hosting a Vintage Computing Festival next month, and museums dedicated to classic hardware are springing up everywhere, like this one in Ramsgate, UK. Most of them are the product of their passionate founders who have opened up their personal collections.

Can't make it anywhere? It's still not too late to play some classic Commodore 64 games courtesy of a Raspberry Pi and some clever emulation.

That's the thing about bits. Eight of 'em should've been enough for anybody.

Re: Oldies but Goodies (Score: 1)

by on 2014-05-06 18:37 (#1E6)

I can't resist the C64 myself, but took my first babysteps into the world of computing on a second generation PET, which was like the most amazing thing on earth back in the day. To this day, I'm nostalgic about it.

There's a company that has built modern keyboards out of old C64 chassis. You get a USB connection and the works, but on a C64 keyboard. I'm strangely attracted to it.
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