This is what electric car owners are doing while you sleep

in hardware on (#2RYZ)
story imageBy day: electric vehicles are taking the world by storm: their sales are doubling every year, their fuel efficiency is off the charts, and some of them can even accelerate from 0-60 mph about as fast as you can say Elon Musk.

By night: the electric vehicle (EV) community continues to make waves. While you are in bed dreaming about how some day you too might own an electric car, many EV owners are doing something dramatic; something unusual; something that is reshaping the energy landscape.

They are using gobs of electricity.

Read on for some great statistics and graphs. Check out the consumption spike that occurs after dinner.

Re: This just in! (Score: 2, Informative)

by on 2014-09-02 10:30 (#2RZR)

Specifically, many EV owners in the western region (upwards of 60%, according to one California study) - and all the EV owners considered in our analysis - have signed up with their utility to get highly discounted electricity between midnight and 7am, in exchange for a daytime price hike. The sudden surge on the right side of the graph above suggests the behavioral effectiveness of this framework: when EV owners enroll in a time-of-use rate plan, they operate in alignment with it.
2) EV owners are much more likely than their peers to own solar panels.
EV rate plan subscribers - with their huge night-time charging spike, bigger and fancier homes, and elevated grid electric consumption in the morning and evening - are a distinctive sort of energy user.
And it appears that there are many more of them on the way.
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