The Standard C++ Foundation has put together a new "unified" C++ FAQ, combining Marshall Cline's popular FAQ, Bjarne Stroustrup's FAQ pages, and many other sources.
The Foundation's announcement is a good introduction to what they're trying to do, and after you've read that,
check out the FAQ itself .
[Note -- I've already found a few places where the integration of all these sources is less than perfect. I suspect it will be a little while before all the necessary editing is complete. They are accepting both suggestions and volunteers.]

A small study done by
The Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education at The University of California, San Francisco,
suggests that e-cigarettes don't actually help people to quit smoking." Of the 949 smokers in the study, only 88 used e-cigarettes, causing the study's researchers to "admit that their findings should be viewed with some caution."
World Science reports
"They also found that e-cigarette use was more commmon among women, younger adults and people with less education." Last year, the US Centers for Disease Control
reported e-cigarette use more than doubled among U.S. middle and high school students from 2011-2012. The lack of solid research, potential youth market, and abundance of caution have had anti-tobacco activists and researchers pushing for a ban on advertising of e-cigarettes.
NPR has a recently story about
vaping, or using e-cigarettes, indoors and in the workplace. If you smoke, have you been able to cut back your smoking or quit thanks to electronic cigarettes? If you do not smoke, does it bother you that others use e-cigarettes indoors?