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by Shalailah Medhora from World news | The Guardian on (#KMQD)
Government’s electoral fortunes have tumbled in every indicator since winning the last federal election two years ago, according to NewspollThe Coalition’s electoral fortunes have tumbled in every indicator since winning the last federal election, the latest Newspoll survey has revealed, as the Abbott government marks two years in office.Labor has widened its lead in the two-party preferred stakes and now holds an eight-point lead of 54% to the Coalition’s 46%. At the 2013 election, those numbers were reversed, with the Coalition ahead 54-46. Continue reading...
Monday Poll: why I love PipedotSimilar News
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by Reuters in Washington from World news | The Guardian on (#KM5F)
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from on (#KHNY)
But the results weren’t all rosy for Conservative leader Stephen Harper, either.
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by Jerry Hildenbrand from Latest from Android Central on (#K8Q4)
So yeah. Sony's new Xperia Z5 Premium has a for-real 4K display. That'd be UHD, 3840 X 2160 pixels, checking in somewhere around 806 ppi. Holy crap.
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from on (#K7VT)
A new poll suggests adult children are draining their parents’ retirement nest eggs.
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by Calla Wahlquist from Environment | The Guardian on (#K72K)
Voters in the West Australian seat say they would support a 50% renewable energy target, in a poll conducted for conservation groups and Solar CitizensRenewable energy is of greater concern to voters in Canning than national security and two-thirds of voters would support a 50% renewable energy target, according to a poll released on Thursday.The ReachTel poll, conducted on Monday night for a coalition of the Wilderness Society, the Conservation Council of WA, and Solar Citizens, found that 13.4% of respondents nominated renewable energy as an issue that would affect their vote, compared with 12.8% who nominated national security. Continue reading...
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by George Arnett from World news | The Guardian on (#K6TW)
People in six countries thought more than half of workers had pulled a sickie in the past year, but under 25% said they had themselves, Ipsos Mori foundFeigning illness to take a day off work is much less common than people think, according to the results of an international survey that suggests the public overestimates undesirable behaviour in others.Averaging the results from the six countries polled by Ipsos Mori (the UK, US, Canada, Australia, France and Germany), the average guess was that 52% of workers in their nation have pulled a sickie in the past year, but only 23% admitted to having done so themselves. Continue reading...
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by Jerry Hildenbrand from Latest from Android Central on (#JY66)
Last week we asked about who went out and bought one of Samsung's new Galaxy Note 5 or Galaxy S6 edge+ phones, and which one they picked up. As expected, the Note 5 wins this one. The Galaxy Note 5 received more than double the amount of votes in our unscientific poll compared to the S6 edge+. Everyone saw this coming. Even with availability in Europe a puzzling unknown (they gotta eventually sell it to the EU's millions and millions of Android consumers, right?) Samsung and seemingly everyone else has pushed the Note 5 as the premier Galaxy phone of 2015. Insert anecdotes about backwards pens, removable batteries and SD cards here. Of course, the requisite "No. Not buying" column gathered the most votes of any single choice with 42 percent. I have to include an option for the people not interested to have a voice, too. But still — this means 58 percent of the people voting grabbed one or the other. Naturally, this doesn't count the hundreds of millions of Android users who didn't vote at all. Slackers, each and every one of them. I kid. Maybe. What I really wanna know is who the 253 people who got both are. Holler in the comments if you're one of them.
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by Martin Pengelly in New York from World news | The Guardian on (#JXRK)
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from on (#JQV3)
A majority of Canadians back assisted dying, but in a recent survey most doctors said they wouldn’t help a patient end their life.
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from on (#JMDF)
The New Democratic Party has the backing of an unprecedented 40 per cent of Canadians, a level of support that could secure Thomas Mulcair a majority in the House of Commons, a new poll has found.
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by Jerry Hildenbrand from Latest from Android Central on (#JF7S)
Since carriers started selling the Galaxy Note 5 and the Galaxy S6 edge+, they have pretty much been the talk of the Android world. At least the Internet part of it. Lots of good things have been said — once again Samsung's screen is found to be the best in the business (no surprises there) — and of course there are some folks with issues. Memory management and S Pen insertion come to mind. But for the most part, I see a lot of happy people who bought a big fancy new phone. I like happy people. We all like happy people. Now we're curious about how many people out there got a new Note 5 or S6 edge+ and are quietly being happy. Take a minute and answer the poll to let everyone know if you grabbed a new Galaxy last week.
by Staff and agencies from World news | The Guardian on (#JESN)
ReachTEL poll gives Labor 50.1% of the vote in two-party-preferred terms ahead of crucial WA byelection on 19 SeptemberA new poll shows the Liberal party faces a tough battle to retain the Perth seat of Canning in next month’s byelection. .Related: Canning byelection: solar industry urges voters to reject Liberals 'war on solar' Continue reading...
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by Jerry Hildenbrand from Latest from Android Central on (#J8EM)
From time to time we ask which feature is the most important to everyone when it comes to buying a new Android phone. We did it again last week, and the results are in. The most important feature, as in the one that got the most votes, was a great camera.
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from on (#HZQE)
AP survey finds only 4 in 10 US Catholics know of Pope Francis' encyclical on climate change
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by Jerry Hildenbrand from Latest from Android Central on (#HSS7)
We've seen the 2015 lineup from just about everyone now (hurry, Google), and there are some really nice phones out there waiting for us to trade money for them. From excellent mid-range models with an easy price tag, to the highest of the high end for those who want to go premium, chances are everyone will find one they like. And because we're Android junkies, we will all probably buy one. Or two. But the question of features, and which ones are the most important, always arises. We all want different things, and the most important thing is going to be different from person to person. Here's where you tell everyone what's most important to you. The poll is below. Do your thing, then get in the comments and let's talk. survey software JavaScript is disabled!
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by Joseph Keller from Latest from Android Central on (#HRV3)
Straw, which specializes in mobile polling, has extended its efforts to the web. With Straw Web Polling, users can create polls in most modern browsers, including [ Chrome, Safari, and Microsoft's new Edge browser.
by CBC News from CBC | Edmonton News on (#HQEX)
There was some bad news for Conservative leader Stephen Harper in a new poll and Rolling Stone picks its greatest songwriter of all time. These are just a few of the top stories worth your time this Tuesday morning.
by Press Association from Environment | The Guardian on (#HP1E)
As Royal Mail launches new bee stamp set, half of British people cannot name a single bee species – despite recognising the importance of the pollinatorsHalf of people cannot name a single species of bee even though the vast majority care about the country’s bees, a new poll suggests.The survey, which comes as Royal Mail launches a new set of stamps celebrating British bees, found that although many people recognise the value and importance of the pollinators, few know much about the insects. Continue reading...
from Techreport on (#HNZZ)
It's been almost two weeks since Intel's Skylake enthusiast CPUs hit the market. We know how they perform, and we have a good idea of what the accompanying Z170 chipset and motherboards have to offer. We're sure we're not the only ones wondering whether the combo of a new CPU and chipset are tempting enough for those with older systems to consider an upgrade, so it's time for a new poll. Tell us what you think using the choices below, or elaborate in the comments.Read more...
by Staff and agencies from World news | The Guardian on (#HNSS)
Latest Newspoll puts Coalition’s margin in the formerly safe seat held by Don Randall at just 51%-49% in two-party-preferred termsThe Coalition’s grasp on the West Australian federal seat of Canning appears to have slipped further just a month before a byelection there.Liberal MP Don Randall, who died of a heart attack in July, had a lead of almost 12%, but the latest Newspoll shows that margin has all but disappeared. Continue reading...
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by Jerry Hildenbrand from Latest from Android Central on (#HK1G)
In last week's poll, we asked if anyone picked up the new Moto G 2015. The results are about what anyone who's been paying attention would expect — split pretty evenly. We tried to include enough options to keep everyone happy, even including the "shut up about the Moto G 2015" option so you could tell us you're not interested. I'm happy that only 25 percent of the people who clicked on a post about the Moto G 2015 did so, then told us they don't want to know more about the Moto G. I'm also going to count those as "No" votes.
by Staff and agencies from World news | The Guardian on (#HJKS)
Fairfax-Ipsos poll puts Labor lead at 54%-46% on two-party-preferred basis, implying the loss of between 36 and 44 Coalition seatsThe Coalition faces a thumping election defeat with a swing of 7.5% against it, according to the latest Fairfax-Ipsos poll.That would mean the loss of up to 36 Coalition seats – Labor needs just 21 to form a majority government. Continue reading...
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from on (#HJ2B)
Only 34 per cent of Canadians polled believe they’re better off since the Tories won a majority in 2011, according to a new Forum poll.
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from on (#HE7W)
Many Canadians are finally familiarizing themselves with a leader who spent the first half of his term in relative anonymity.
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by Dave Hill from World news | The Guardian on (#H9S0)
The latest YouGov survey suggests former minister is her party’s best bet for City Hall, but is the Corbyn factor hurting her chances?
by Ben Jacobs in Washington from World news | The Guardian on (#H7A2)
CNN/ORC poll shows Trump increasing lead in the crucial state with 22% support from likely Republican caucus votersThe first major poll of the crucial caucus state of Iowa in the aftermath of the first Republican debate reveals Donald Trump has expanded his lead.
by Ben Jacobs in Washington DC from World news | The Guardian on (#H4S1)
Single poll gives senator 44% to Clinton’s 37% in crucial early primary state – the first time he has edged ahead of the Democratic frontrunnerFor the first time a poll has Vermont senator Bernie Sanders ahead in the crucial early primary state of New Hampshire.
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by Jerry Hildenbrand from Latest from Android Central on (#H4B9)
Historically, the Moto G has been the best selling Motorola smartphone of all time. It's the greatest. It floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. Or something like that, at least according to Motorola. In reality, the latest incarnation — the Moto G 2015 — a darn good, cheap Android phone. It's built well, performs well, and this year has a decent camera. There's no wonder the initial run of the 16GB memory model (the one you should probably buy) sold out.
by Staff from Outbreak News Today on (#H082)
With more kids online and using cell phones at increasingly younger ages, two issues have quickly climbed higher on the public’s list of major health concerns for children across the U.S: sexting and Internet safety. Compared with 2014, Internet safety rose from the eighth to the fourth biggest problem, ahead of school violence and smoking, […]
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by Jerry Hildenbrand from Latest from Android Central on (#GXVF)
Our last weekly poll asked everyone about what method they use when they need to move a file from their phone or tablet to a computer, or vice-versa. For some of us, it's something we never have to do, but the majority of us still do it the old-fashioned way — with a USB cable. That's not surprising, and there is nothing wrong with doing it over a wire. Often times (and this is one of those times) the "old" way is still the best way. For about half of us, this is how we do it. The most interesting thing here is that 5-percent of us (212 out of exactly 4,000) have no need to ever copy files to and from a computer. I've a feeling that many of the people who voted that way are truly in a "post-pc" world and don't have a traditional computer. And I envy each and every one of them. The majority of folks who aren't using a USB cable for file transfer are doing it exactly how you would expect — through the cloud or with a wireless transfer app of one sort or another. That's where I fall in, because I can never find a USB cable on my desk when I need one. Look for a new poll on Tuesday, and in the meantime tell everyone how you voted in the comments below.
by Guardian Staff from Environment | The Guardian on (#GWQ0)
Climate Institute survey reveals overwhelming support for wind and solar energy as the Abbott government seeks to limit support for bothAustralians are deeply worried the Abbott government is underestimating the importance of climate change, new polling shows, as cabinet debates crucial long-term targets for greenhouse gas reductions.The annual polling by the Climate Institute thinktank reveals Australians overwhelmingly support wind and solar energy – as the Coalition seeks to limit support for both – and see it as inevitable that coal-fired power stations will have to be phased out and replaced. Continue reading...