Comment 2SCK Re: I guess


iphone 6 and iwatch expected at today's event


I guess (Score: 1, Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-09 16:34 (#2S7C)

that Apple earns its moronic devotion because the rest of the industry is just that bad.

Big Fruit waited at least year after others jumped in on watches and wearables, and yet, once AGAIN, they are poised to lead the way, if their "innovative" version actually works well. The other guys just can't seem to put together products that work well for the no-brainer crowd.

Motorola came SO close to delivering an industry leading smart watch, and yet they blew it --

Re: I guess (Score: 1, Insightful)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-09 17:41 (#2S7D)

Different AC than above...

So because the battery might only last about a day, Motorola blew it? I'd say they hit it pretty square on for a first generation product. It looks great, but it's got some issues that might cause some folks to say, "I'll wait for round 2." Anyone remember the first iPhone? Not everyone was buying into it, but as time went on, after a few rounds of releases, it became the most recognizable phone out there.

To be fair, if Apple releases a watch today with *objectively* better specifications, then Motorola may have blown it. But based on the state of technology, I do not think that Apple can pull leaps and bounds ahead here, unless they've also developed a new battery chemistry.

Re: I guess (Score: 1, Funny)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-10 13:41 (#2S81)

Original (OG) AC here, and I guess I'm happy that it's actually Apple who blew it. Their new not-iWatch is butt-ugly compared to the elegance of the Moto 360. It's a piece of wrist luggage that Jobs would have NEVER EVER let out the door. (And I had no respect for Jobs.)

Re: I guess (Score: 1)

by on 2014-09-10 14:19 (#2S86)

I agree the Moto 360 is the better looking timepiece. But it's been destroyed in the press for using an old SoC and having crappy battery life - two definite nails in its coffin.

Still, it's pretty funny when Motorola's design guys outdo Apple. Somewhere out there, Steve Jobs is tossing and turning in his grave. "Cook, you putz! I'll haunt you, goddammit!"

Re: I guess (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-09-10 14:57 (#2S8C)

Should have been a big thin cuff with a huge integrated display panel, like Space Ghost's armbands or the Genie's armband shackles in Aladdin. They would have sucked up all the rest of the world's money.

This big square chunky thing is just terrible. A Playskool "My First iWatch" at best.

I wonder if Motorola has time to turn things around.

[FYI my last CAPTCHA here was wrong ("forty four thousand seven hundred and eighty as digits" is not accepting 44780) ]

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