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Updated 2025-02-20 18:47
“MTD” is misleading
Dose-finding trials of chemotherapy agents look for the MTD: maximum tolerated dose. The idea is to give patients as much chemotherapy as they can tolerate, hoping to do maximum damage to tumors without doing too much damage to patients. But “maximum tolerated dose” implies a degree of personalization that rarely exists in clinical trials. Phase I […]
Decide what to abandon
Sometimes it’s rational to walk away from something you’ve invested a great deal in. It’s hard imagine how investors could abandon something as large and expensive as a shopping mall. And yet it must have been a sensible decision. If anyone disagreed, they could buy the abandoned mall on the belief that they could make a […]
Code Project articles
This week’s resource post lists some articles along with source code I’ve posted on CodeProject. Probability Pitfalls in Random Number Generation includes several lessons learned the hard way. Simple Random Number Generation is a random number generator written in C# based on George Marsaglia’s WMC algorithm. Finding probability distribution parameters from percentiles Numerical computing Avoiding […]
Perl regex twitter account
I’ve started a new Twitter account @PerlRegex for Perl regular expressions. My original account, @RegexTip, is for regular expressions in general and doesn’t go into much detail regarding any particular implementation. @PerlRegex goes into the specifics of regular expressions in Perl. Why specifically Perl regular expressions? Because Perl has the most powerful support for regular […]
Another reason natural logarithms are natural
In mathematics, log means natural logarithm by default; the burden of explanation is on anyone taking logarithms to a different base. I elaborate on this a little here. Looking through Andrew Gelman and Jennifer Hill’s regression book, I noticed a justification for natural logarithms I hadn’t thought about before. We prefer natural logs (that is, logarithms […]
Miscellaneous math resources
Every Wednesday I’ve been pointing out various resources on my web site. So far they’ve all been web pages, but the following are all PDF files. Probability and statistics: How to test a random number generator Predictive probabilities for normal outcomes One-arm binary predictive probability Relating two definitions of expectation Illustrating the error in the […]
Rare letter combinations and key chords
A bigram is a pair of letters. For various reasons—word games, cryptography, user interface development, etc.—people are interested in knowing which bigrams occur most often, and so such information is easy to find. But sometimes you might want to know which bigrams occur least often, and that’s harder to find. My interest is finding safe […]
Disappearing data projections
Suppose you have data in an N-dimensional space where N is large and consider the cube [-1, 1]N. The coordinate basis vectors start in the center of the cube and poke out through the middle of the faces. The diagonals of the cube run from the center to one of the corners. If your points cluster along one […]