canopic jug writes:Pavel Durov, head of the Dubai-based proprietary "app" Telegram, had been wanted by the French authorities for his lack of cooperation in monitoring and filtering the activities of the users of his "app". This is in spite of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruling that any weakening of end-to-end encryption disproportionately risks undermining human rights. Multiple sites are now reporting that he has been arrested on a warrant in France during a flight layover in his private jet:The Korea Times, Telegram chief Pavel Durov arrested at French airport: officials:
upstart writes:A team of archaeologists says humans may have braced the butt of their weapons against the ground in a way that would impale a charging animal:
canopic jug writes:Ben Hawkes over at Isoceles has a review of the two OpenSSH Backdoor attempts. One, the XZ backdoor, was attempted this year in early 2024. The other, in 2002, was a matter of attempting to trojanize some distribution files.
looorg writes: "AI in software development 2024 survey" is here. A compilation of wishful thinking and overly optimistic interpretations of survey data. It generates more questions then answers. Mostly the survey and the report wants to sing the praise of the AI as some kind of development savior, as it will literally improve everything and there doesn't appear to be any negative aspects associated with it at all. Or at least they don't ask about such things. The survey and the responses generates more questions then it answer. After all it doesn't really answer any questions.
NotSanguine writes:The New York Times is reporting (Archive link here) on a novel lawsuit filed against Meta, using Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996.From the article:
Arthur T Knackerbracket writes: Previous Story: Disney Seeking Dismissal of Death Lawsuit Because Victim Was Disney+ Subscriber
fliptop writes:A major American auto manufacturer reportedly laid off about 1,000 of its employees on Monday, including about 600 workers based in the U.S. in a bid to streamline current operations:
looorg writes:The scraping defence. They are not scraping content for their AI models. They are just looking for statistical correlations to their models.
A trade magazine reports,
"dalek" writes:The Bell Riots are a unique event in Star Trek in that when Deep Space Nine showed them on screen, they were in the future, but that time period is now contemporary. Star Trek has shown time travel to events that were in the past or contemporary when the shows or movies aired, and they discussed future events like the Eugenics Wars of the 1990s but only showed their effects in the future with the original series episode Space Seed and the movie The Wrath of Khan.The Bell Riots are shown in a two part episode called Past Tense (Part I, Script; Part II, Script) in which a transporter accident sends Commander Sisko, Lieutenant Dax, and Doctor Bashir back in time to August 30, 2024. They arrive in San Francisco, but over two centuries too early. Sisko and Bashir are found by security guards, and because of their lack of identification, they are sent to Sanctuary District A. However, Dax is found by a wealthy business owner named Chris Brynner, who provides her shelter.There are sanctuary districts in nearly every city, places where people were promised food and shelter while employment was scarce, but quickly became overcrowded and with poor living conditions. The general public is mostly unaware of the conditions within the sanctuary districts, whose residents are prevented from leaving and have largely been forgotten. The residents are referred to by slang terms of gimmies (unemployed people), dims (mentally ill people), and ghosts (people who struggled to integrate and joined gangs). During the Bell Riots, some ghosts and other residents overpowered the guards, took hostages, and seized control of the sanctuary's processing center for incoming residents. Despite rumors that the hostages had been killed, Gabriel Bell prevented this from happening. Bell was able to broadcast from the district and inform the public of the living conditions within the district, which brought the living conditions to the general public's attention and spurred on reforms.However, when Sisko is attacked on August 31 by a gang of ghosts, Gabriel Bell is killed by a ghost named B.C. while trying to help Sisko fend off off the attackers. This alters the timeline, and Sisko assumes the role of Bell to try to restore the proper course of history. There is no longer a Federation in the 24th century, no evidence of advanced technology on Earth, and there is a Romulan outpost at Alpha Centuary. Chief O'Brien and Major Kira use the transporters to travel back in time to a few points in history to try to find the missing crew members and restore the timeline. The episode's script includes this dialogue: