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Updated 2024-10-15 10:45
Dead simple: Plenty of Magecart miscreants still looking to skim off your credit card deets
Average breach not even noticed for 3 weeks ... that's a lot of $$$ Infamous card-skimming malware Magecart is still out there – and the latest campaign has affected at least 17,000 domains so far, according to threat intel biz RiskIQ.…
Cosmo Communicator: More phone than the Gemini, more pocket computer than phone
Android at launch on Planet Computers' latest, Linux support to follow London-based Planet Computers has said its Cosmo Communicator, a folding phone with a physical keyboard evocative of '90s Psion clamshell palmtops, has finally made its way into production.…
PostgreSQL puts the pedal to the metal with some smart indexing tweaks in version 12
Open-source veteran not above the odd speed increase Open-source database darling PostgreSQL emitted a new version of its eponymous database last night with more nods to standard SQL and a performance boost.…
TalkTalk says WalkWalk if you've got a mouldy Tiscali email address, or pay £50 a year to keep it
UK ISP gives legacy ex-customers an ultimatum TalkTalk will start charging £50 a year for its legacy email accounts unless you sign up as a broadband customer of the breach-scarred telco. And if you don't pay, it'll delete your account.…
HP polishes the redundancy cannon, prepares to fire 16% of workforce
That's up to 9k jobs to go in lurch to 'create shareholder value'. Plus: $5bn to be spent on share buy-backs HP Inc's incoming CEO kicked off his reign of terror at the hard-pressed organisation by doing what so many old-world tech company bosses do these days: chopping thousands of jobs and buying back shares.…
The immovable object versus the unstoppable force: How the tech boys club remains exclusive
The solution? A generation of woman being preferred for promotion over men Comment For a generation we've wrung our hands and wondered why so few women have taken up careers in technology.…
Watch out! Andromeda, the giant spiral galaxy colliding with our own Milky Way, has devoured several galaxies before
Only four billion years to wait to watch the pair duking it out Andromeda, a massive spiral galaxy, has swallowed several galaxies within the last few billion years before setting its sights on the Milky Way.…
Worried about the future? Learn how to apply chaos to your infrastructure with us...
Plan for surprises: Join us at our hype-free serverless computing shindig Event We're living in uncertain times, so why wouldn't you want to ensure your compute infrastructure is as flexible as possible - and that you won't miss a beat if things do go wrong?…
Linky revisited: How the evil French smart meter escaped Hell to taunt me
The sulphurous green demon has set up home on my doorstep Something for the Weekend, Sir? "ARE YOU FEELING LUCKY?"…
When the satellite network has literally gone glacial, it's vital you snow your enemy
Oh, the weather outside is frightful and the signal's not delightful On Call Welcome to On Call, The Register's weekly foray into the bag of disasters averted, or sometimes caused, by those brave readers on the other end of the phone.…
Oracle demands $12K from network biz that doesn't use its software
Mistake, phishing expedition, or an attempt to hold a company liable for its customers? Merula Limited, a UK-based network service provider, recently received a bill from Oracle for $12,200 for using the company's proprietary VirtualBox Extension Pack, which provides extra capabilities for the free GPL-licensed VirtualBox hypervisor.…
EU's top court sees no problem with telling Facebook to take content down globally
Just use automated filters, how hard can that be? The European Court of Justice (CJEU) on Thursday ruled that Facebook update its filters and allow member states to remove content that's been deemed illegal, not only for Facebook users in the plaintiff's country but everywhere.…
Egyptian government caught tracking opponents and activists through phone apps
Intelligence services developed system, says security outfit The Egyptian government has been targeting and tracking citizens in a sophisticated spying program that allows it to read emails, log contacts and record their location, according to a new report by Check Point.…
Life's certainties: Death, taxes, and Cisco patching more serious vulnerabilities
Switchzilla closes off 18 CVE-listed holes, get to work Cisco has issued an update to address security flaws in three of its networking and security offerings.…
Remember the millions of fake net neutrality comments? They weren't as kosher as the FCC made out.
Data was pulled from 2016 credentials hack Comment One of the key arguments behind the Federal Communications Commission's decision to repeal net neutrality was the number of supportive emails it had received for its proposals. But an investigation has shown that a huge number of these were faked by lobbyists.…
FBI softens stance on ransomware: it's (sort of) okay to pay off crims to get your data back
Feds OK that some companies are opening the checkbook The FBI is easing up a bit on its hardline stance against paying ransomware demands.…
Kaspersky warns of encryption-busting Reductor malware
Infection manipulates browsers to snoop on TLS comms Kaspersky says it has uncovered a new malware infection that is able to decode encrypted TLS traffic without the need to intercept or manipulate it.…
How much is your face worth? Google thinks a $5 Starbucks gift card should be good enough
Pixel 4 facial recognition tests go beyond the pale Google hired a temp agency to record people’s faces, especially those with darker skin, to collect data for a facial recognition system and offered them $5 gift vouchers in return.…
The OS is 'no longer' important to Microsoft, and yet new Surface kit has 3 Windows flavours
And an Android device – confusing or what? Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, speaking before the launch of new Surface devices in New York, told glossy tech rag Wired the operating system is "no longer the most important layer for us".…
£99,999, what's your emergency? Paramedics rush to OAP's aid after shock meter reading
'I nearly had a heart attack!' Emphasis on 'nearly' It's no secret that the UK's smart meter rollout has been a bit, well, shit – whether it's the buggers befuddling Saxons by deciding to start speaking Welsh or simply the fact that the project is perennially delayed and over budget.…
RAF pilot seconded to Virgin Orbit for three years of launching rockets from a 747
Alright job for some, innit An RAF Typhoon pilot has been posted to Virgin Orbit as part of the UK government's previously declared plan to grow Blighty's space industry.…
DXC has picked a brand new people person: Finch lands as freed Mason preps to depart
New Mike's first senior hire Updated The HR head at DXC Technology, who according to a ex-senior staffer once cut up former CEO Mike Lawrie's steak during a business dinner, is leaving the business.…
Devs getting stuck into Windows 10X on Surface Neo will have to tussle with UWP
Wonderbar: Compatibility issues ahoy Microsoft has gone public on a new range of Surface hardware, the most intriguing being two foldable devices – one an Android phone and the other running a new variant of Windows, Windows 10X. The devices are prototypes, with general availability planned for late 2020.…
Cassini may be dead – but its data shows basic building blocks of life spewing from Enceladus
It's another encouraging sign that Saturn's most interesting moon could be habitable Hydrothermal vents on Enceladus, one of Saturn’s moons, are blasting out organic compounds that could provide the right ingredients to make amino acids, the building blocks of life as we know it.…
You only need to click once, fool: Gaming rig sales up as Trump presses continue on trade tariff tussle
God bless America panic buying Shipments of gaming rigs staged something of a comeback in the second quarter of 2019 as retailers sought to avoid potential trade tariffs on machines bought in China and imported to the US.…
When one of NASA's sun-studying satellites went down, AI was there to fill in the gaps
Machine learning in spaaaaaace! Neural networks have helped scientists monitor the Sun’s extreme ultraviolet outbursts after an instrument on NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory suffered an electrical malfunction, making it difficult for scientists to monitor a portion of extreme ultraviolet energy (EUV) being spewed by our star.…
Huygens if true: Dutch police break up bulletproof hosting outfit and kill Mirai botnet
Cops also Cruyff cloggy couple Dutch police said in a translated news release that they have busted a local 'bulletproof' server hosting operation in a major takedown that also nabbed a pair of Mirai botnet operators.…
Rolled out cloud-native apps? Successfully juggled containers? Tell us all how at Continuous Lifecycle London 2020
Call for papers closes soon: We'd love to hear from you Event Our Continuous Lifecycle event's call for papers closes this month, and we want to hear from you.…
After 72 hours of recurring outages, you'd be forgiven for wanting to slightly tweak the first syllable of Bitbucket
Groundhog Day comes to online source-code silo, with little in the way of explanation Bitbucket, Atlassian's hosted software version control service, has been afflicted by a series of service disruptions over the past three days, to the predictable consternation of programmers.…
FBI called in to investigate 2018 Mountain State mobile voting system hacking
'West Virginia, mobile ballots, country votes, nearly pwned' The state of West Virginia says someone attempted to hack its citizens' votes during the 2018 mid-term elections.…
Google Maps gets Incognito fig leaf: We'll give you vague peace of mind if you hold off those privacy laws
Location data is likely to remain accessible to web ads giant, network service providers, apps After last year acknowledging that Google Maps stores location data even when told not to, the Chocolate Factory plans to give Maps the same misunderstood form of privacy offered by its Chrome browser, otherwise known as Incognito mode.…
Here's that hippie, pro-privacy, pro-freedom Apple y'all so love: Hong Kong protest safety app banned from iOS store
Trying to avoid cops, live rounds, tear gas? Oh no, you don't, say Cook & Co Apple has banned an app that allows people in Hong Kong to keep track of protests and police activity in the city state, claiming such information is illegal.…
Microsoft has made an Android phone. Repeat, Microsoft has made an Android phone. A dual-screen foldable mobe not due until late 2020
If at first you don't succeed, there's always Linux, eh? Microsoft beat the leaks, and today announced a forthcoming Android Surface Phone Duo at its annual hardware event, among other dual-screen Qualcomm and AMD-powered goodies.…
Medic! Uncle Sam warns hospitals not to use outdated IPnet freely on their networks
Meanwhile ransomware forces Alabama doctors to turn away non-urgent patients The US Food and Drug Administration is warning hospital IT admins to keep a close eye on their networks following the discovery of security vulnerabilities in a relatively obscure and dated TCP/IP stack – IPnet – used in embedded devices.…
Zendesk clocks 10,000 accounts accessed by miscreants before November 2016
Helpdesk firm admits TLS certs also affected Zendesk has admitted to suffering a data snafu – but while it affects 10,000 customers, it only applies to those who were using the firm's helpdesk products before 1 November 2016.…
If you really can't let go of Windows 7, Microsoft will keep things secure for another three years
For a fee, of course Recognising that not everyone has climbed aboard the Windows 10 train, Microsoft has thrown a Window 7 Extended Support lifeline to more businesses... for a price.…
£3bn Google sueball over Safari Workaround bounces through UK Court of Appeal
Warning shot at big tech firms, says one-time Which? director Google has lost its attempt to squash a High Court lawsuit that could see the firm stung for £3bn over its exploitation of a loophole in Apple's Safari browser.…
Make your multi-cloud dream come true: Find out how with experts from Google Cloud
Tune in this month to get the latest strategies for ease of use and efficiency Webcast Whether you are running your business in the cloud or on your own premises, you probably wish you could deploy and manage new applications without your administrators and developers having to learn different environments and APIs every time.…
The Reg strokes a talon across the HoloLens 2 and Surface Hub 2S
We had a tinkle on the virtual ivories Future Decoded The Register got its claws on both the recently released Surface Hub 2S and the still-waiting-in-the-wings HoloLens 2 at Microsoft's Future Decoded event. The question is, are the pricey collaborative gizmos any good?…
UK ads watchdog bans Burger King Twitter jibe for condoning chucking milkshakes at politicians
It's not like it was particularly time-sensitive anyway Heart-attack-in-a-bun purveyor Burger King has been given a stern talking to by the UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) for supposedly encouraging antisocial behaviour.…
Astronaut Tim Peake reminds everyone about the time Excel mangled his contact list on stage at Microsoft AI event
Teamwork, collaboration and not a lot of Windows Future Decoded The future is AI, if Microsoft is to be believed.…
Have you been Thomas Crooked? Watch out for cybercrims slinging holiday-themed fakes
Bed, board and flights of fancy as fraudsters register scam websites Thomas Cook's former breach detection contractor has warned of a sharp spike in scammers setting up fake websites to lure ex-staff and customers alike.…
Happy fifth birthday, Windows Insiders! We'd bake a cake, but it might explode without warning
A bit like a dodgy Fast Ring build Comment Come gather one and all to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Microsoft's Windows Insider programme and its army of volunteer testers.…
Google will not donate Knative framework 'to any foundation for the foreseeable future'
Community dismayed as key Kubernetes project to remain in Chocolate Factory hands The Knative framework, which enables serverless applications to be deployed and auto-scaled on Kubernetes, will not be donated to any foundation such as the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.…
Nominet continues milking .uk registry cash cow with 4 per cent price rise for... what exactly?
Increased costs of running the registry business? Or more money for failed expansion? The business in charge of the UK’s internet registry has decided to raise the price of all .uk domains, sparking fury among domain owners who accuse the non-profit of milking the registry to fund executive pay rises and unrelated business expansions.…
EU's top court says tracking cookies require actual consent before scarfing down user data
Filling out a checkbox in advance to encourage acceptance won't cut it Websites may not present visitors with a pre-checked box that signals consent to the storage of HTTP cookies on their devices, according to a ruling [PDF] handed down on Tuesday by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).…
This won't end well. Microsoft's AI boffins unleash a bot that can generate fake comments for news articles
Please no, we don't need a machine learning troll farm As if the internet isn’t already a complicated cesspool full of trolls, AI engineers have gone one step further to build a machine learning model that can generate fake comments for news articles.…
Thanks to all those tax dollars, humans can now hear the faint sounds of earthquakes on Mars
NASA's InSight lander data hears 'dinks and donks' from the Red Planet NASA has released audio clips of marsquake recordings taken by its InSight lander currently resident about on the Red Planet.…
UPS gets permission to ship out drone delivery fleet for some serious amounts of air miles
Close the window and put back the fishing net, it's only for hospitals right now UPS is boasting of a deal with the Federal Aviation Administration which the shipping giant says will dramatically expand its drone delivery operation.…
Jamf emits mystery security fix for Pro macOS, iOS wrangler, keeps admins in dark by censoring chatter
iAdmins steaming over handling of 'critical' patch rollout MacOS network admins are being advised to update their copies of the Jamf Pro management software following the disclosure of a critical security flaw.…