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Re: Updated article (Score: 2, Insightful)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 04:34 (#2V6K)

There's plenty of place: In your own third party repository. Debian isn't iOS/WinRT...just because the official distro doesn't include software doesn't somehow exclude it from being used by anyone.

That all said, this is part of the issue with the big central repositories trying to have nearly everything all in one centralized place. Nobody would EVER make this kind of fuss over something not being thrown into the main Slackware repositories, because instead of trying to do everything, they focus on maintaining the core, and making things rock solid there (which is why it's one of the only major distros that didn't rush to move away from sysvinit, as Slackware's BSD style init scripts can't really be called a mess to begin with), rather than trying to package up everything and ending up with tons of packages that may or may not actually be tailored to play nice with the rest of the system (anyone remember how fun it use to be to work with multiarch support on Debian a few years ago, or perhaps the state Pulseaudio was in on Debian and associated distros?). It wouldn't be the first distro to crumble after spreading too thin trying to support anything and everything, and considering that it's the biggest defense against Redhat taking a much bigger foothold in the Linux market, I'd have to insist that that would be a terrible eventuality that should be diligently avoided. Perhaps modularizing repositories such that each major official branch sticks to its own specialization, or encouraging more independent repository use rather than leaving them to the domain of power users.

As usual, excess centralization makes things cumbersome and unwieldy. While I won't discount the extent to which the big central repositories have played making things easier to new users, it's time to swing the pendulum back in the other direction a bit while keeping the gains so that good design isn't being sacrificed in the process of catering to the needs of people who just don't have time or inclination to be *nix nerds. It is harder than just throwing "RTFM" around at everyone, but considering that at least the big distros like Debian seem to be trying to attract people that aren't *nix nerds, it's pretty obviously a task worth doing.

Re: But what about his code? (Score: 3, Informative)

by in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 04:31 (#2V6J)

That is an interesting link, actually...
Mikhail Kvaratskhelia (aka 'mikeeeUSA', aka serveral other aliases) is what constitutional lawyers sometimes call a werewolf - the most unappealing possible victim. He is a creepy, repellent, misogynistic crank, given to uttering threats of violent death against female Linux hackers, and quite possibly clinically insane. [...] To judge by the letter and the reports of his past behavior, he is a vile piece of scum; if he were to threaten harm to Ms. Eicher in my presence, I would cheerfully shoot him. -esr

Re: But what about his code? (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 04:30 (#2V6H)

MikeeUSA, is that you?

Re: Updated article (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 02:57 (#2V6G)

Fuck you cunt. Hopefully you won't be forever.

Re: But what about his code? (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 02:57 (#2V6F)

If the code works it works. What's wrong with conditional statements? That's the building block of everything. Guess you don't know that it's all compiled down to machine code and whatever you write in your higher level language will resemble that on the iron.

Fight back. (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 02:07 (#2V6E)

Conservatives that own businesses should retaliate
by firing any free-software advocate from their positions?
One can only hope

Re: Free To Be Arrogant (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 01:41 (#2V6D)

It's the geek-feminists who are forcing their views, or rather, disallowing, banning, deleting other views.

This is how all progressives achieve their goals for society.
Eventually they have their detractors speech declared hate speech and have them imprisoned.

"Opensource game rejected from Debian because feminists don't like it" (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 01:40 (#2V6C)

An opensource casino video game was recently posted to
the debian bug tracker as a request for packaging, as
is the standard method for pursuing such things in debian.

The bug was quickly closed, tagged as "won't fix"
The reason given by one of the debian developers
alluded to the authors anti-feminist views and his
advocacy of them:

The piece of software in question is licensed
under the GPL and is one of the only of it's
kind for linux (ascii-art console slot machine software)

Is professing pro female liberty politics now a hard requirement
for being allowed to contribute to opensource?

The answer: Yes.

Notice (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 01:19 (#2V6B)

Notice how the geek-feminists and SJW fucks are labeling everything they don't like as a "Troll"

Re: Debian has changed, free software has changed. (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 01:18 (#2V6A)

fuck you cunt.
I see the worthless geek-feminists have arrived.

Re: Updated article (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 01:17 (#2V69)

If you agree with the herd you're golden no matter what.
You go against it, there's no place for you or anything you make.
(And are a dick too)

Opensource was much better when feminists, women in general (and their demands to be treated special (women are not special)), were made to feel unwelcome.
Before the Codes of Conduct and the corporate takeover of the thing.

Re: But what about his code? (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 01:15 (#2V68)

Notice it's an "eq" not an ==
That stands for the symbol that has been chosen. Perhaps A, B, C, D should have been used instead
to allow sufferance for you OECD disorder?

Also, isn't it obvious by the variable name lvrstart2 that this is a saved value from a previous spin
IE: "the symbol on screen, on reel 2, is symbol 10, thusly, display symbol 10 when we get to the
ascii-art output routine"
Play the game, it works fine. What is your problem?

Your problem is the author, what he believes, what he's said.
You would have never complained about a block of if-thens (common in programming)
in anything a co-patriot of yours has created. You never would have looked.
There's more than one way to do things. But in your mind, YOUR way is the ONLY way
And ANY man that opposes you you get kicked out (ex: Ted Walther in Debian), or
if they aren't part of your organization you get their work deleted
( or you make sure it is not included (now).

Re: Free To Be Arrogant (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 01:08 (#2V67)

libertarianism FOSS-style is dead.
There is only leftist left in the FOSS community now.
The libertarians were kicked out around the mid 2000s (or just went away).

Re: Free To Be Arrogant (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 01:05 (#2V66)

They also had the authors code deleted from the internet completely some years ago, you can read about it here:

Re: Free To Be Arrogant (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 01:04 (#2V65)

Nope. Debian-women force their views on everyone in Debian. You must accept the ideals of feminism or you are not welcome in Debian. This was a change.They have kicked men out that were opposed to debian-women, such as Ted Walther. Then they deleted and rejected software from the repos, like "hot girls", because it didn't jive with their ideals of feminism and respect for women.

Debian-Women are who push their views on everyone. They don't even allow you to have software they don't approve of through apt. They are censors, scum.

Re: But what about his code? (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 01:01 (#2V64)

Nope. Prints out when you, being asked which game you wish to play (type a number) instead enter "woman".

Fuck you cunt. It is an opensource casino game and was around before you joined the movement and corrupted it with you social politics and forcing people out you piece of shit.

Re: But what about his code? (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-23 01:00 (#2V63)

There is no poison, it isn't malware. There is a screen that says get rid of women's rights if you chose to enter "woman" into the "which game would you like to play, pick between 1 and 13".

The game functions properly. It does not crash. It can play thousands and thousands of iterations, because it is strictly typed.

Re: FreeBSD is buggy, sadly (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in FreeBSD 10.1 Released! on 2014-11-23 00:58 (#2V62)

OpenBSD has that discipline, SJW's would call him a bastard troll and say OpenBSD doesn't exist and theo has never contributed to opensource.

Re: FPS and RPG (Score: 1)

by in Video game genre of choice: on 2014-11-23 00:04 (#2V61)

I am not against fighting, upping skills, collecting armours... would be stupid if I were and still say I like RPGs. But I want logical fights. When I enter a cave, I expect to meet something like a cave bear. But in the video above it looks like the forest was more densely populated with enemies than there are fleas on a mangy street dog.

Another RPG I really loved: Bioshock Infinite. I know, not a typical RPG, but clearly a FPS. However, you collect stuff, you decide to play good or evil, you up skills, sometimes you work together with NPCs... all criteria of a RPG. A really dense story, which never got drowned in excessive fighting. IMHO a perfect mixture of RPG and FPS.

Re: FPS and RPG (Score: 1)

by in Video game genre of choice: on 2014-11-22 23:30 (#2V60)

You pretty much have it right there. Most of it is about running around killing stuff, upping skills, collecting new armour sets, trying for the full special sets which usually only random pop from chests. Lots of fun if that is your thing.

I played Baldurs Gate. Within the first couple of levels I picked up Ball Lightning and the rest of the game was a walk through :)
Unlike Diablo 1 / 2 where it took quite a while to get to the point of being able to walk around and trounce anything.

Re: But what about his code? (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 21:35 (#2V5Z)

I'm not going to go look again, but there were functions in there that just printed a bunch of drivel to the screen. I think one was a big anti-women vomit-fest, and another was a "graphic" of some sort. Maybe that's what prints out when you win the jackpot.

Re: Free To Be Arrogant (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 21:16 (#2V5Y)

you keep missing the simple point that the only one forcing their views on anyone, coincidentally was the moron-Mike....if he kept his views to himself like everybody else, his code might have been accepted (quality aside)

Re: Updated article (Score: 2, Insightful)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 21:10 (#2V5X)

theres the herd, and then there is just ignorance, which has no place in educated society.

i didn't see any one there rubbing their views in anyones face, only their refusal to allow someone to do it to them who has often before. don't be a dick is the real lesson.

FreeBSD is buggy, sadly (Score: 1, Interesting)

by in FreeBSD 10.1 Released! on 2014-11-22 17:08 (#2V5W)

FreeBSD was once solid and good. 4.x series was really stable and I never experienced any problems. Then they begun with way too big changes and there was not even one version I would not see problems and panics with.

Already from this summery you can see the quality of FreeBSD. I bet they knew the Intel framebuffer did not work for 10.0. Still they shipped it. It is good they got that one working for 10.1, but I wonder what more they did break with this 10.1.

Yes, feel free to mark me as a troll, but I am very disappointed at FreeBSD and this is my experience. Since then I have moved over to OpenBSD. C is an easy language to begin coding in but a super difficult language if you want good quality product. Very few OS has the discipline for that.

Re: FPS and RPG (Score: 1)

by in Video game genre of choice: on 2014-11-22 16:20 (#2V5V)

Bad. Very bad. I liked Baldur's Gate at the time, which seems to be similar. Now I watched this:

At min 0:40 first fight. Ok, the description says 'speed run', but I stopped after 4:00. In all this time behind almost every bush or tree a new enemy appeared. Most likely it is a 5 minute story game, which is inflated to hrs by senseless fights. I just get bored when I get attacked every three steps. I also don't like it to be send back and forth the same ways... get this, do that...walking for no other reason but to get told: This game is worth x0 hrs playing fun. Witcher was that way.

But I must say.... after Dishonored I am spoiled.... Very hard to satisfy me now.... Damn Arkane Studios :-D

Free To Be Arrogant (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 16:02 (#2V5T)

Banning a software submission because you oppose the views and behavior of the submitter is actually one of the more intolerantly conservative things that could happen: Deciding that you've locked on to the secret of the universe and that it gives you the privilege of allowing the means to justify the ends you are convinced the universe wants you to impose on everyone else.

This has everything to do with arrogance. If libertarianism FOSS-style has anything to do with it, it's to demonstrate that people inevitably band together in little cliques to seek their own advantage at the expense of others. Libertarianism offers no countervailing force to buffer the abused from the abusers.

Re: But what about his code? (Score: 1, Funny)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 15:40 (#2V5S)

I didn't see any easter eggs, but I didn't look too much anyway. This is priceless though:

} elsif ($lvrstart2 eq '4') {
$lvrb4p = 1;
} elsif ($lvrstart2 eq '5') {
$lvrb5p = 1;
} elsif ($lvrstart2 eq '6') {
$lvrb6p = 1;
} elsif ($lvrstart2 eq '7') {
$lvrb7p = 1;
} elsif ($lvrstart2 eq '8') {
$lvrb8p = 1;
} elsif ($lvrstart2 eq '9') {
$lvrb9p = 1;
} elsif ($lvrstart2 eq '10') {
$lvrb10p = 1;
} elsif ($lvrstart2 eq '11') {
$lvrb11p = 1;
} elsif ($lvrstart2 eq '12') {
$lvrb12p = 1;

Real clever. Local Variable 12 p??

But what about his code? (Score: 1, Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 15:10 (#2V5R)

Have you looked at the code for the casino game? It's as vile as his screeds against women. I would have rejected it based on that alone, quite apart from the embedded poison easter eggs (look at the code -- you'll see what I mean).

Re: Debian has changed, free software has changed. (Score: -1, Offtopic)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 15:08 (#2V5Q)

In this case "Its" should have been "It's". C'mon people, it's not hard!

Re: FPS and RPG (Score: 1)

by in Video game genre of choice: on 2014-11-22 13:41 (#2V5P)

How do you feel about Dungeon Siege?

Re: But does it run (Score: -1, Flamebait)

by Anonymous Coward in FreeBSD 10.1 Released! on 2014-11-22 13:38 (#2V5N)

Fuck systemd.

But does it run (Score: 2, Funny)

by Anonymous Coward in FreeBSD 10.1 Released! on 2014-11-22 13:34 (#2V5M)

systemd? *ducks*

too soon?

Re: That's what you get for free (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 12:14 (#2V5K)

The former CEO of Mozilla, who founded the browser, should take out hits on the progressives that ousted him.

That would be justice.

Re: That's what you get for free (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 12:12 (#2V5J)

Aren't they scum.

The value of your contribution is weighed on the scale of "social progress".
You can contribute gigabytes and it just "doesn't exist" because you didn't bow and scrape to their idols (women, gays, "transgender", whatever)

Re: To the very 'loud' A.C.... (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 12:09 (#2V5H)

Help with the effort, keep submitting to slashdot until it's accepted.

To the very 'loud' A.C.... (Score: 2, Informative)

by in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 10:00 (#2V5G)

...could you take your ranting to where it belongs? It would fit just perfectly in certain /. articles, where I would love to help you to burn karma as much as I can. Here? Not so much. At least not for now. And certainly not in a mailing list for bugs. Thank you.

That's what you get for free (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 09:41 (#2V5F)

Yeah, this is very nice. Just ban whatever package you like based on personal preference. While we're at it, why don't we ban software written by an ex-con or someone who doesn't feed stray cats.

This all happens because it's free. Nobody cares about the actual quality. If this whole get-it-for-free system wasn't in place, these two gentlemen could settle their differences and focus on the incoming money. That is how society outside the open source bubble works. People don't like each other, but still cooperate. Unfortunately, the world is full of anti-social hippies with too much time on their hands, killing off whole branches of industries simply by saying 'I will do it for free'.

Re: Updated article (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 08:43 (#2V5E)

If you agree with the herd you're golden no matter what.
You go against it, there's no place for you or anything you make.

Debian has changed, free software has changed. (Score: 1, Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 08:41 (#2V5D)

Though there's a first for everything, they ban people all the time from the debian mailing lists these days, even for anti-systemd talk. Its their way or no way.

The libertarians that started the free software movement rolling are all gone now, what's left is only social justice warriors who do not take kindly to opposing viewpoints at all.

Re: "Conservatism" (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-22 08:06 (#2V5C)

It was closed as "won't fix". That's as close to a debian-wide policy as one might get without a TC
or GR decision.
As recently as 100 years ago the views expressed were mainstream.
(Or 25 years ago for the deep south)

Updated article (Score: 1)

by in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-21 23:33 (#2V5B)

Since everyone seemed very confused (myself included) I've updated the article to include information about MikeeUSA's afore mentioned "conservative views".

I must also muse that open source projects most frequently have the opposite problem: devs facing no consequences for misbehaving and abusing users.

Something missing? Something changed? (Score: 1)

by in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-21 21:41 (#2V5A)

I cannot find any
Is professing progressive politics now a hard requirement for being allowed to contribute to opensource?
in the given link. Only the answer;
This is code by someone who routinely trolls Debian.....
So from what I see, we a missing huge parts of the story. Anyone able to fill in?

WarGames (Score: 2, Funny)

by in Video game genre of choice: on 2014-11-21 20:39 (#2V59)

a strange game
the only winning move is not to play.

how about a nice game of chess?

spelling (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-21 20:35 (#2V58)

"it's" should be "its".That's all.

"Conservatism" (Score: 3, Insightful)

by in Opensource game rejected from Debian for authors' social beliefs on 2014-11-21 20:31 (#2V57)

Although I would not consider myself to be conservative. I don't think MikeeeUSA's behavior would be tolerated by any mainstream political movement. He's not being targeted for his political beliefs, but for his trolling behavior. Plus, that was like one guy suggesting that it not be packaged, not a Debian wide decision or policy.

Re: Always wondered (Score: 1)

by in Scientists Determined to Clone Woolly Mammoths on 2014-11-21 16:03 (#2V53)

Erm... I must lie to say that this didn't cross my mind. But only for a second. ;-)

Re: FPS and RPG (Score: 1)

by in Video game genre of choice: on 2014-11-21 16:02 (#2V52)

Can't really tell. As I said, I knew nothing about the FF games and checked some Youtube gameplays after your post. I really like anime, but for some reasons playing one has absolutely no appeal to me. I like a dense RPG story, which is worth good fantasy book. FF surely has a dense background story, I once saw a FF film in a cinema, but as Game? I just rechecked FFX... Not my thing.

Re: Always wondered (Score: 1)

by in Scientists Determined to Clone Woolly Mammoths on 2014-11-21 15:35 (#2V51)

My mind immediately wondered what they would taste like...

Why not? (Score: 1)

by in Scientists Determined to Clone Woolly Mammoths on 2014-11-21 14:33 (#2V50)

Go for it! And when I'm a rockstar, I'll buy one--it would be very metal. Unfortunately for the time being, cloned mammoths and my rockstar dreams are equally unlikely.

Re: FPS and RPG (Score: 1)

by in Video game genre of choice: on 2014-11-21 13:54 (#2V4Z)

Wait, what? Are you just talking about FFXIII?

I'm talking about the old-school games basically up to FFX

It's a very long running series, FFVII being one of my favorites.
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