on (#6TP19)
Here's the January videochat. There was a short recap on some SKG news, the rest of it was the usual rambling. Some of the topics were games to live in, VR, PirateSoftware drama, and Dead Hand. I semi-lost my voice at one point, but it came back.
Accursed Farms
Link | https://www.accursedfarms.com/rss/3-accursed-farms.xml/ |
Feed | https://www.accursedfarms.com/rss/3-accursed-farms.xml/ |
Updated | 2025-01-22 00:45 |
on (#6TJE1)
The UK government petition to stop publishers destroying games now open! Sign the petition here if you're a UK citizen or resident!
on (#6TGSG)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 6:00pm UTC on January 18th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I've been busy with campaign stuff again, I will try to get more regular videos out as soon as I can.
on (#6TFX3)
The Stop Killing Games movement now has an official Discord open to the public! This will hopefully be for coordinating future action, but it's also up to where the users want to take it. The link to it is here.
on (#6T7A2)
This is a stream I made for the Accursed Farms Junk channel, which Youtube was threatening to de-partner unless I had a new upload, so I played some games that I thought might be good for streaming. I think there were decent picks, though both got pretty hard.
on (#6SZ7A)
Here's the December videochat. There was a chunk of news related to the stop killing games campaign prior to this, so I decided to split the videos this time and make it a separate thing. In addition to the usual ramblings this time, I plan to have a game stream on 5:00PM UTC on December 28th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast that will go up on Youtube shortly after. Will probably be playing Quest for Glory, but could be something else.
on (#6SZ7B)
Some updates on various aspects of the Stop Killing Games campaign. There is nothing too critical, most of what's happening involves waiting on various governments right now.
on (#6SSGZ)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 6:00pm UTC on December 14th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I think viewers will like the Christmas Game Dungeon I've been working on. I may have a game stream the following Saturday on the 21st also, I'll talk about it on the videochat.
on (#6SGSK)
Here's the November videochat. Not much news about SKG other than the UK petition has been resubmitted, there will be an announcement when it's open for the public. Contains the usual amount of rambling, nothing too important. There was more VR talk than usual this time.
on (#6S9HS)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 6:00pm UTC on November 23rd at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. My time has been split on more campaign stuff v. more Game Dungeon, but I'll get more videos out as soon as I can.
on (#6S7MY)
Ubisoft is getting sued in a class action lawsuit over "The Crew" in California. I'm named in the court papers!
on (#6RMKS)
Here's the October videochat. There's nothing too important, I rambled worse than usual, though I technically had a head injury this time.
on (#6REE4)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 5:00pm UTC on October 19th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I've mostly just been working on Game Dungeon episodes, more coming!
on (#6R57C)
Here's some news on the new California bill to attempt to label lack of ownership of digital media (including video games) that's kind of a mess, also some more on a small victory of the stop killing games campaign in the later half.
on (#6QYJ4)
Here's the September videochat. There are a few announcements towards the start, then just the usual rambling. More normal videos in the near-ish future.
on (#6QS29)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 5:00pm UTC on September 21st at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. No big news at the moment, normal videos will be resuming before too long.
on (#6QJKF)
A couple days ago Youtube informed me that the Phantasmagoria 2 episode of Ross's Game Dungeon was removed due to violating their content policies, but also said I was not receiving a strike since I may not have realized it was. That's understandable, considering how I uploaded it almost 5 years ago and gated it only for viewers age 18 and up. My theory is that it adhered to Youtube's content standards for 18+ content in 2019, but the same video does not meet them in 2024. In any event, I have no idea where to re-upload it for streaming, since I'm not sure any streaming service would allow it. It's a video that strikes me as definitely R-rated content, but not pornographic, and the internet doesn't seem to have many options for a video like that. It's been suggested I should censor it and re-upload it, but that video was never designed to be censored and even had dialogue to that effect, plus a major point made in that episode is that the game is so full of intense content it's difficult to know what would have to be censored and what is acceptable. In the meantime, I've uploaded a copy of the original video, so you're free to download it, share it, and back it up. I'm unsure of how else to handle it at this time, though I'll definitely recap all of this in a future follow-up Game Dungeon episode. Phantasmagoria 2 episode download link (link may change in the future) 2.05GB 1920x1080 x264 MKV
on (#6Q8DD)
Here's the August videochat. There's discussion of SKG-related questions for the first portion, then the usual random questions after that. Also that bug re-emerged where the framerate gets dropped recording me, I'm not sure what caused it, I'll try and fix it for next time.
on (#6Q5WQ)
New Game Dungeon, finally! This is the most-delayed, but also the longest Game Dungeon I've made, but the game earned it. The next one will be shorter!
on (#6Q2BK)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 5:00pm UTC on August 24th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I'll have some minor announcements on the campaign at the start. New Game Dungeon in a couple days!
on (#6PWGD)
Here is a giant Video FAQ for everything on the ECI! This will probably be boring for most people, but for anyone confused on it wanting to know more, this should take care of that!
on (#6PVRE)
Here is a short video explanation of the European Citizens' Initiative, this one should be much easier to share and get the bare bones message across about what it is doing. For those who want the opposite, the long Video FAQ should be out tomorrow!
on (#6PMMR)
The European Citizens' Initiative has launched! This is the biggest and most ambitious chance to create law on publishers destroying videogames they have already sold to you. Get EU citizens to sign it!
on (#6PJVS)
Here's the July videochat. There are some minor updates at the beginning on the game campaign, the rest is the usual rambling. A big chunk this time was on my Linux experiences + a side project I put some work into previously. The EU petition is opening on Wednesday + Game Dungeon coming ASAP after that!
on (#6PBZT)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 5:00pm UTC on July 27th at twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. The next Game Dungeon should be out around the same time, give or take, it may be the biggest one so far. There will be more news on the game campaign at the end of the month.
on (#6NR0Q)
Here's the June videochat. The rambling on this one was worse than usual. No news on stopkillinggames this time since I covered everything important on it in the previous Dead Game News. New Game Dungeon coming as soon as it's done!
on (#6NPBE)
Here is some news going over responses from the EU Commission on the issue of destroying games from members of European Parliament. There are also some updates on the campaign towards the end.
on (#6NJHA)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 5:00pm UTC on June 22nd on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. We're mostly in a "hurry up and wait" phase of the campaign, in the meantime I've been working on Game Dungeon; will have an episode out as soon as I can, though it's a big one.
on (#6MXPN)
Here is the May videochat, it's just the usual random stuff. Some topics were game quotes, Microsoft, custom keyboards, and AI again. I plan to have more normal videos ASAP, but it will still be a little bit.
on (#6MXPP)
Here are some more updates on the campaign. The Australian petition is ending very soon, there are some new details on the UK petition + consumer action, and there will be a significant announcement on EU law on the 27th, I'll have more details later.
on (#6MR5R)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 5:00pm UTC on May 18th on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I'm very slowly getting back to getting another Game Dungeon out, but I'm still quite busy with everything on the campaign finishing up loose ends. The past month has been almost a continuous feeling of "just a couple more days on this, then I can get back to the regular videos" then something new keeps popping up which extends things, but I think we're making real progress.
on (#6MPCY)
We've received an official response from UK government on the issue of videogame destruction by publishers. This goes over all of it, some of it is quite helpful! This also includes some updates on Australia, Canada and Brazil
on (#6M817)
This was mostly just random questions I get from viewers, everything important about the game campaign is in the previous video, though there were some smaller things I missed discussed in this one. Talked more about regular gaming and being dictator of the world in this one.
on (#6M7ZN)
Lots of updates on the campaign! UK petition open! Australia petition probably open soon! Research help wanted! Australian law firm hired! Talking to EU members of Parliament!
on (#6M243)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 5:00pm UTC on April 20th on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I'll have a few minor announcements on the campaign to stop game destruction in the first portion, the rest of it will be just the usual questions about random stuff. I hope to get back to the regular videos as soon as I can, but I've had my hands completely full with the campaign. I'll at least make SOME progress on regular videos this month, but can't promise release dates just yet.
on (#6KSMZ)
Here's a campaign video to stop games from being destroyed! While a chunk of it is focused on "The Crew" shutdown, there are other options also. There are more legal options brought up here on what we can do stop this than I think has ever been discussed before. Also check out stopkillinggames.com for how to take action directly! A much shorter version (50 seconds) will be up tomorrow.
on (#6KDQ5)
Here's the March videochat. This started after a chat talking just about the campaign to stop games being destroyed (video just prior to this). It's just the usual ramblings, nothing important.
on (#6KDQ6)
I split the latest videochat into two segments. The first is discussing some updates on the campaign to stop games being destroyed. It's just details of what's being worked on + some more help needed.
on (#6K7YB)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 6:00pm UTC on March 16th on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. Unfortunately, almost all my time has been taken working on the campaign to stop games getting destroyed as it's been quite extensive, but is shaping up slowly. I hope to have a full "launch" on April 2nd. I'll get back to the regular videos as soon as I can.
on (#6JZ51)
Here's the February videochat. This one was more the usual rambling. While The Crew campaign was brought up, there was nothing crucial discussed on it, the most important stuff is still in the previous video. It was mostly just answering random questions again. More real videos coming!
on (#6JW81)
Big update on plans to stop companies from killing games! This one is drier and more info heavy, normal videos still coming!
on (#6JSJY)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 6:00pm UTC on February 25th on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I've been mostly working on the campaign to stop games from being destroyed by taking legal action on "The Crew" shutdown. Plan to have an update video on it sometime next week with a lot of info. Regular videos also still coming!
on (#6JPY8)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 6:00pm UTC on February 24th on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I've been mostly working on the campaign to stop games from being destroyed by taking legal action on "The Crew" shutdown. Plan to have an update video on it sometime next week with a lot of info. Regular videos also still coming!
on (#6J1QF)
Here's the latest videochat. This one was a little different, the first 45 minutes or so was just talking about possible plans for legal action against Ubisoft for The Crew shutdown + related topics. The rest is just the usual rambling about misc. stuff.
on (#6HYV7)
Dead Game News! This isn't a typical one and involves more audience participation than usual.
on (#6HVG2)
Ask questions or topics to discuss here for the next videochat with fans at 6:00pm UTC on January 20th on twitch.tv/rossbroadcast. I intentionally delayed this one since I should have a video out in a few days that might take up a chunk of the discussion. More regular videos after that!
on (#6HCE6)
Merry Christmas! This was supposed to come out sooner, but made it just barely in time instead. This one might be a little more chaotic than usual, but it felt like an experience.