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Updated 2024-10-15 09:01
Deepfakes, quantum computing cracking codes, ransomware... Find out what's really freaking out Uncle Sam
We sat through this 90-minute committee hearing so you didn't have to Vid The US House Committee on Homeland Security grilled a panel of experts to understand how foreign adversaries could weaponise emerging technologies like AI and quantum computing in cybersecurity.…
Messed Western: Vuln hunters say hotel giant's Autoclerk code exposed US soldiers' info, travel plans, passwords...
Details of military personnel and trips leak online from poorly secured AWS service A security team for review site vpnMentor, led by Israeli researchers Noam Rotem and Ran Locar, recently found a publicly accessible AWS-hosted database owned by Autoclerk, a reservation system recently acquired by Best Western Hotels and Resorts Group.…
Luke, I am your father... which is why I must eject from JEDI decision, says US Defense Sec
Top brass beams aboard from $10bn IT brouhaha as it emerges son works for IBM The US military’s controversial JEDI cloud contract has seen another strange twist: the US Secretary of Defense has stepped back from the project as it emerged his son works for one of the bidders for the $10bn winner-takes-all deal.…
Bezos DDoS'd: Amazon Web Services' DNS systems knackered by hours-long cyber-attack
Distributed assault hampering connectivity for websites, apps, customers are warned Updated Parts of Amazon Web Services were effectively shoved off the internet today – at times breaking some customers' websites – after the cloud giant came under attack.…
Hell hath GNOME fury: Linux desktop org swings ax at patent troll's infringement claim
Rather than settle and make pain just go away, project wants to send a message instead After being hit with a patent-infringement lawsuit last month, the GNOME Foundation has fired back with a counterclaim – and urged the courts to dismiss the case.…
Minigame: Celebrate Firefox 70's release by finding a website with 70+ trackers blocked
Yeah, it's not us Firefox turned 70 today, at least in terms of version, with an update focused on – surprise, surprise – security and privacy.…
Apple chief Tim Cook ascends to top of tech pantheon on Chinese biz school's advisory board
Look what happens when you bend for Beijing Apple chief exec Tim Cook has been promoted to chairman of the board of advisors at a management and leadership university in Beijing.…
Japanese hotel chain sorry that hackers may have watched guests through bedside robots
Can we at least turn the thing around before we... y'know? Japanese hotel chain HIS Group has apologised for ignoring warnings that its in-room robots were hackable to allow pervs to remotely view video footage from the devices.…
Google: We've achieved quantum supremacy! IBM: Nope. And stop using that word, please
Here's how to sim that with RAM and hard drive space The esoteric world of quantum computing is all aquiver following a robust blog post from IBM essentially rubbishing claims from Google that it has achieved "quantum supremacy".…
I see your blue passport and raise you a green number plate: UK mulls rewards scheme for zero-emission vehicles
Well, it's more of a dash really The UK government has a cunning plan to help meet its carbon emissions targets: green number plates.…
Hey Cortana... I mean Google: Microsoft's ex-digital assistant boss to take the reins at G Suite
Javier Soltero looks forward to making a 'profound impact' on people's lives Former Cortana boss and Acompli co-founder Javier Soltero has popped up at Google to helm the G-Suite team, nearly a year after his departure from Microsoft.…
Reaction Engines' precooler tech demo chills 1,000°C air in less than 1/20th of a second
Another step towards affordable space access for Brit boffins Brit rocket outfit Reaction Engines has demonstrated its precooler chilling air in Mach 5 conditions in less than 1/20th of a second.…
Big Red tells crypto-coin publication: One does not simply call one's website 'OracleTimes'
Outlet says it's been ordered to cease trading under name Larry Ellison's database behemoth is threatening serious legal consequences for a blockchain and cryptocurrency news service called "OracleTimes".…
Cloud file migration geek Mover packs boxes for Microsoft
Any cloud you like, so long as it rhymes with bee fix hive On the eve of its FY20 Q1 earnings and with the Ignite shindig around the corner, Microsoft has announced the purchase of cloud migration outfit Mover.…
Mandatory electronic prescriptions was the easy bit in NHS paperless plans
Digitisation across primary and secondary providers is the bigger challenge Analysis Plans for a "fully paperless" National Health Service have been announced and re-announced countless times – most recently they promised we'd be paper-free "within the decade".…
Steve Bannon-backed flick attempts to expose evil lurking at heart of Huawei *cough* Huaxing
Ex-Trump advisor goes through the looking glass, round the corner and down the drainpipe Steve Bannon – former Trump adviser and long-term rattler of sabres against China – has produced a piece of propaganda thinly disguised look at recent events at America's favourite bogeyman, Huawei.…
Infosys shares dive 15% as regulators investigate false accounting claims
Whistleblowers claim to have email and audio evidence Infosys shares dropped almost 15 per cent on the Bombay Stock Exchange yesterday on news that regulators are investigating serious allegations of false accounting at the organisation.…
UK tech freelancer numbers down for first time in 5 years since IR35 tax reforms hit public sector
Could drop further, depending on how zealously it's enforced After a boom in IT contractors over the last decade, the number of freelance techies working in the UK dropped last year in the wake of public sector off-payroll working reforms.…
Power to the users? Admins be warned: Microsoft set to introduce 'self-service purchase' in Office 365
Users will be able to buy own licences and administrators cannot prevent it Microsoft will allow "self-service purchase and license management capabilities" for Office 365 users, initially for its Power Platform low-code services, PowerApps, PowerBI and Flow.…
Two astronauts conduct a successful spacewalk, world+dog lose minds
Also: ESA hopes for parachute joy, NASA veteran is put out to orbital pasture Roundup Last week the International Space Station celebrated its first all-woman spacewalk, ESA politely asked NASA for some help with parachutes and boffins said "goodnight, sweet prince" to the last Van Allen Probe.…
HP CEO: Help us save the world one tree at a time... by printing stuff (with our kit, of course)
Bossman helps the poor saps who can't see the wood for the trees Canalys Channels Forum The reputation printing has built over the decades is all wrong. It is actually good for the natural world – just ask the boss of HP, the planet's largest maker of print products.…
Just say the 'magic password': Boffins turn up potential backdoor in SQL Server 2012, 2014
Admin rights needed to fire up the malware and – hey presto! Security researchers at ESET have published details of a backdoor into Microsoft's SQL Server via hooks and the splendidly named "magic passwords".…
Microsoft and dance partners coordinate firmware defenses with Secure-core PCs
Windows code armors its arse Pointing to a five-fold increase in firmware vulnerabilities over the last three years and not saying much about the growing number of Windows vulnerabilities, Microsoft on Monday said it has been working with PC-selling and silicon-making partners to ship kit that implements protection from malicious low-level device code.…
Tune in online today: Find out how to smooth your path to a hybrid or multi-cloud environment
Join us this lunchtime with experts from Google Cloud and Trax to discuss costs, tools, and more Webcast Whether you run your business on-premises or in the cloud, you probably wish your developers and admins could deploy and manage applications without having to learn different environments and APIs every time.…
Yay! The ozone layer hole the smallest it's ever been seen. That's not necessarily good...
It's all thanks to this year's 'unsually wonky' polar vortex The hole in Earth’s ozone layer is the smallest it has ever been since scientists discovered the puncture nearly 35 years ago, according to NASA.…
Just a friendly reminder there were no at-the-time classified secrets on Clinton's email server. Yes, the one everyone lost their minds over
But, but her emails! The US State Department has delivered its report [PDF] into Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email system and, amazingly enough, there wasn't anything scandalous nor classified on it at the time.…
Er, hi. Small Q. Where's our billion-ish dollars gone? We summarize Bitcoin exchange's subpoena requests
Show me the money. No, really, show me the actual money iFinex, the parent company of crypto-currency exchange Bitfinex, is seeking subpoenas in its quest to recover more than $880m in missing funds.…
ATTK of the Pwns: Trend Micro's antivirus tools 'will run malware – if its filename is cmd.exe'
Try not to save files to your Windows PC called cmd.exe or regedit.exe Video A flaw in the Trend Micro Anti-Threat Toolkit can be exploited by hackers to run malware on victims' Windows computers.…
Row erupts over who to blame after NordVPN says: One of our servers was hacked via remote management tool
Netizens' traffic flowing out of box could have been sniffed by miscreants Analysis NordVPN spent today attempting to downplay a security breach in which someone sneaked into one of its servers for purposes unknown.…
New Teams goodies: Shared calendars? No. Private channels? No. Hold please ♩ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Quickfire Windows 10 Fast Ring release ends a busy week at Microsoft Roundup It was a busy week in Redmond as Microsoft geared up for its November Ignite shindig – new Windows 10 builds were flung, Azure capacities increased and Teams got a fresh feature... hold music.…
Euro data watchdog has 'serious concerns' as to whether EU deals with Microsoft obey GDPR
Dutch agreement should be extended to entire bloc, says statement The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) has expressed "serious concerns" over whether the contractual terms of agreements between EU institutions and Microsoft, for use of products such as Windows and Office 365, is compliant with data protection rules.…
The sound of silence is actually the sound of a malicious smart speaker app listening in on you
Researchers find nefarious uses for Google Home and Amazon Alexa devices Google Home and Amazon Alexa can easily be hacked to eavesdrop on users or extract information by asking questions that appear to come from each smart speaker provider, according to researchers.…
Avast lobs intruders into the 'Abiss': Miscreants tried to tamper with CCleaner after sneaking into network via VPN
Software used by millions not compromised this time, says biz On Monday, security biz Avast said it believes some of its credentials were stolen and abused in an unsuccessful attempt to subvert CCleaner, a file cleanup utility that it acquired in 2017.…
Assange fails to delay extradition hearing as date set for February
Wikileaks founder said to be frail, labours to confirm name and date of birth An emotional and clean-shaven Julian Assange has appeared in court to request more time and resources to prepare his defence against extradition to from the UK to the US on espionage charges.…
SAP and Microsoft pucker up, prepare for public cloud love under Project Embrace
New three-year agreement to pull S/4HANA customers into Azure SAP and Microsoft have linked arms as part of SAP's "Project Embrace", a collaboration with Azure, AWS and Google Cloud Platform aimed at migrating the German firm's customers to the public cloud.…
No one would be so scummy as to scam a charity, right? UK orgs find out the hard way
Research blames 'culture of trust' for weak fraud protections UK charities are misjudging the risks of fraud, according to research from the Charity Commission and the Fraud Advisory Panel.…
Rocket Lab plans to send small satellites to the Moon with Photon
Only really, really little astronauts need apply With launchpads in New Zealand and (soon) the US, small-sat flinger Rocket Lab toasted a ninth successful launch of its Electron rocket by taking aim at destinations beyond Low Earth Orbit.…
Ow-wei, says Huawei as Chinese giant admits US sanctions smacked it right in the phone biz
Missing Google already? Huawei has admitted that US sanctions are hurting its mobile phone business as it struggles to find alternatives to Google's software suite.…
We read the Brexit copyright notices so you don't have to… No more IP freely, ta very much
Buried on Friday PM, just before pub o'clock Among the daily two-dozen or so government updates on Brexit progress slipped in as everyone went to the pub on Friday were a bunch considering the impact on copyright and intellectual property.…
Trend Micro would like you to fall in line and become a victim of Cloud Conformity
Security biz to slurp Aussie compliance outfit Infosec giant Trend Micro is buying Australian compliance biz Cloud Conformity for $70m to help customers check the configuration of their fluffy white services – one of the major causes of cloud security breaches.…
If there were almost a million computer misuse crimes last year, Action Fraud is only passing 2% of cases to cops
You know my stats don't lie and I'm starting to feel it's wrong Action Fraud (AF) is referring fewer computer misuse cases to police investigators despite official statistics showing nearly a million offences were reported last year.…
Traffic lights worldwide set to change after Swedish engineer saw red over getting a ticket
Mats Järlström's fight shows you never cross an engineer Exclusive A Swedish engineer's umbrage at a traffic ticket has led to a six-year legal fight and now a global change in the speed with which traffic light signals are timed.…
Iran? More like Ivan: Brit and US spies say they can see through Turla hacking group's facade
Russian-backed cell's Middle East campaign pretended to be of a Persian persuasion British and US spies have blamed Russian hacker group Turla for masquerading as Iranian hackers to launch recent attacks mostly on government systems in the Middle East.…
Samsung on fridge cert error: Someone tried to view 'unsavoury content' in middle of John Lewis
At least it'll wipe clean Update Readers anxious for an update on the health of the wobbly Samsung smart fridge currently squatting in UK retailer John Lewis's Oxford Street store will be interested to learn that a culprit has been fingered.…
Google ads from the po-po can prevent vengeful gamer nerds going full script kiddie – research
'At the exact moment you get curious about getting involved in cybercrime, you get a little tap on the shoulder' What's the best way to stop young gamers slipping into a life of cybercrime? Google ads from the cops, apparently.…
Don't look too closely at what is seeping out of the big Dutch pipe
'I wonder what our users are surfing for… Oh' Who, Me? Welcome to Who, Me?, The Register's weekly confessional of sins, smut and surfing from the seemingly infinite pool of reader misdeeds.…
Don't fall for the hype around OpenAI's Rubik's Cube playing robot, Berkeley bans facial recognition, and more
All in a week's work Roundup Just in case you're addicted to the world of AI, here's more news beyond what we have already covered this week.…
Silos of paper scans, photos, forms, and other unstructured data blight today's corps. How are you tearing them down?
Help us understand your day-to-day challenges and triumphs with this reader poll Survey So much of the misery inflicted on customers by financial institutions is caused by disjointed systems and clumsy hand-offs between departments.…
Malware hides as iOS jailbreak, Sucuri is insecuri, and China is about to get even worse
Plus, new allegations in Iran and American hacking war Roundup Here's your Register security roundup to kick off your week.…
Guess what's on the receiving end of more NASA dollars for SLS?
Hint: It rhymes with 'throwing' as lawmakers baulk at lobbing an unknown amount of cash into the 2024 lunar bonfire NASA brought a smile to faces of Boeing shareholders this week with the announcement that it would be ordering 10 Space Launch System (SLS) core stages from the US aviation giant for Artemis rocket launches to the Moon. Although paying for the things could be tricky.…