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Updated 2024-10-15 14:16
Google security crew sheds light on long-running super-stealthy iOS spyware operation
Project Zero dissects years-long surveillance campaign Updated Google's Project Zero says more than a dozen iOS flaws that Apple patched back in February had been under attack for years.…
For Foxit's sake: PDF editor biz breached, users' passwords among stolen data
And they're imposing a 20-character limit on new ones Users of software house Foxit's free and paid-for products, including its popular PhantomPDF editor, may have fallen victim to a data breach – with stolen data including users' website passwords.…
Yeah, yeah, PCs are dead? Ask Texan Mick and his Dell empire if that's the case
Computers bring home the bacon for US biz in Q2 Good old fashioned sales of business PCs is keeping growth at Dell Technologies chugging along, more than compensating for crappy sales of server and networking gear.…
TfL inks £6.5m deal with Sopra Steria to build traffic data-munching and control system
Tunnels, bridges, lights and other route constipation hardness to be eased by laxative of software goodness Transport for London (TfL) has signed a £6.5m deal for a new control system with outsourcer Sopra Steria.…
When you think how infamous NHS-pwning malware's still hitting the unwary, it'll make you WannaCry – Kaspersky
Ransomware strain was top customer call-out title in 2018 Kaspersky Lab reckons the number one reason its customers call them for emergency help is because of ransomware – with Wannacry still playing a large part in detections picked up by the Russian company.…
No it's not Russell Brand's new cult, it's Microsoft's Office crew rolling out their Save Experience
Not one, not two, but three Save dialogs in updated Office 365 desktop applications In an effort to help users "save files to the cloud more easily," Microsoft has added an additional save dialog to desktop Office 365 applications, including Word, Excel and Powerpoint.…
Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Well, lookie here! For once a space game that doesn't promise the universe
And it's probably better for it The RPG Greetings, traveller, and welcome back to The Register Plays Games, our monthly gaming column. Since the last one, not only did we play and complete Bioshock for the first time, but also Batman: Arkham Knight. And a lot of Kenshi.…
Last one out, hit the lights: UK energy supplier SSE to axe 115 bodies from tech department
Roles to be outsourced to HCL Exclusive Energy and broadband provider SSE is set to shed 115 roles within its IT infrastructure division in Britain, and will instead outsource some functions to Indian software supplier HCL.…
Despite billions in spending, your 'military grade' network will still be leaking data
You can't patch stupid Despite years of corporate awareness training, warning articles in The Reg and regular bollockings by frustrated IT admins, human error is still behind most personal data leaks, a newly released study says.…
We're great, boasts Huawei in founder's Little Red Book - but isn't that a video game screenshot?
As resilient as a bullet-riddled piece of, er, video game artwork An intensely dreary Little Red Book of media quotes from Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei uses photos to boast of the company's grit and resilience to damage – illustrating the concept with what looks remarkably like a screenshot from computer game Il-2 Sturmovik: Battle of Stalingrad.…
Microsoft's cloudy Windows Virtual Desktop: It fills a gap, but there are plenty of annoyances
You shall not PaaS? An Ask Me Anything reveals common gripes Microsoft's Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD), an Azure-hosted VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure), plugs an obvious gap in the company's cloud offerings, but comes with its fair share of annoyances too, many of which came up in a recent Ask Me Anything laid on by the team.…
I just love your accent - please, have a new password
How's that Boris Johnson impression working out for you? On Call Welcome to On Call, The Register's weekly dive into the mailbag of woe from those faced with recalcitrant users or, occasionally, an overly helpful operator.…
Lab grown stem cells emit brain waves like newborns – and boffins build robot worm to slither through heads
Insane in the brain Video Tiny brain cells grown in a petri dish can be induced to emit electrical waves similar to the ones coming from humans, scientists have discovered for the first time.…
Clutching at its Perl, developer community ponders language name with less baggage
First Gim, er, Glimpse – now our web vultures' favorite coding lingo Earlier this month, Elizabeth Mattijsen, a Dutch software developer and contributor to the open-source Perl programming language, opened an issue in the GitHub Perl 6 repository seeking to rename the project because having "Perl" in the name is "confusing and irritating."…
Huawei new smartphone won't be Mate-y with Google apps as trade sanctions kick in
Chinese mobe maker says screw you, we'll build our own Google has confirmed that Huawei’s new smartphone, the Mate 30, will not include some of the world’s most popular apps - Google Maps, YouTube and Gmail - as a result of US sanctions, .…
Google takes a little more responsibility for its Android world, will cough up bounties for mega-popular app bugs
Payouts extended to anything with more than 100m installs Google is expanding its Android bug-bounty program to cover not just holes in the web giant's apps but also vulnerabilities in third-party software – as long as they have more than 100 million installs.…
Mozilla shaves down Beard to a luxuriant mustache, looks for new CEO by end of year
The clock is ticking to find replacement, he's off by Xmas Chris Beard announced today he will be stepping down as CEO of Mozilla at the end of this year.…
Apple blinks on iPhone repairs, touts parts program for independent tech mechanics... sort of
Planned obsolescence and big profits be damned, we're going to let you fix your kit On Thursday, Apple introduced a program that will allow independent computer repair shops access to the same resources available to Apple Authorized Service Providers (AASP), a significant policy shift that could help level a market the company has been deterring unauthorized battery replacements and lobbying against right to repair legislation.…
Capital One 'hacker' hit with fresh charges: She burgled 30 other AWS-hosted orgs, Feds claim
Ex-Amazon techie accused of cyber-looting other storage buckets, mining crypto-coins on hacked servers The ex-Amazon engineer who allegedly stole 100 million Capital One credit applicants' personal details from AWS cloud buckets has been formally accused of swiping data from 30 other organizations.…
Get your royalty-free soft-core OpenPOWER processor core blueprints here. Extra, extra – read all about it
Plus: Intel slips first 10nm Agilex FPGAs to select lucky customers Here are a couple of chip-related news bytes for you.…
Zapped from the Play store: Another developer gets no sense from Google, appeals to the public
Five years' history not enough to get a meaningful human response Canadian developer Mathieu Méa has gone public about his experience with Google's Play team after they abruptly terminated his publisher account at the end of last week.…
Vodafone hurls sueball at Ofcom over plans to relax BT leases
Claims loosening BT's price cap will cost businesses £230m Updated Vodafone has lobbed a sueball at UK comms regulator Ofcom for relaxing regulation of BT's wholesale fibre leases - a move it claims could cost British businesses £230m.…
Brit software giant Micro Focus takes a bath after share price crashes 30%, sales tank
Slowing economy blamed for customers delaying software buys as storm clouds gather The share price of Micro Focus is taking a battering on the London Stock Exchange, plunging 30 per cent this morning after the home of ageing software brands lowered revenue guidance.…
Apple says sorry for Siri slurping voice commands of unsuspecting users
Devises three-point plan to up its privacy game Sorry seems to be the hardest word for some - Apple has finally apologised to customer weeks after it emerged contractors had been asked by the company to listen to recordings of people using the Siri digital assistant.…
Hong Kong ISPs beg Chinese govt not to impose Great Firewall on them
'Network censorship will only accelerate the loss of HK to competing cities' The Hong Kong ISP Association (HKISPA) reckons any moves by China to shut off the semi-autonomous territory's uncensored internet connection, African dictator-style, "would immediately and permanently deter international businesses" from staying in the one-time British colony.…
Gov flings £10m to help businesses get Brexit-ready with, um... information packs
Just months before 'Brexit day' Just months before the omnishambles deal-or-no-deal uncertainty of Britain's exit from the European Union, the government has a cunning plan to help businesses prepare: information packs!…
Army Watchkeeper drone flopped into tree because crew were gazing backwards
Live footage of runway and grass verge more compelling than actual flight instruments The latest British Army Watchkeeper drone crash happened because its crew became fixated on live footage from an onboard camera instead of their instruments, a Ministry of Defence report has revealed.…
UK.gov: Huge mobile masts coming to a grassy hill near you soon
Bad news for Nimbys and 5G health cranks, good news for 4G The British government has raised the spectre of giant mobile masts looming large over the English countryside in its 5G consultation review paper as a further loosening of planning regulations is considered.…
Maltese browser game biz flings €1m sueball at Google over Adsense kerfuffle
Claims to have made nearly €800k from ad clicks A Maltese "browser-based gaming" company that claimed to have made nearly €800,000 from ad clicks in one month is suing Google after the ad tech monolith kicked it out of the Adsense program.…
A carbon-nanotube RISC-V CPU blinks into life. Boffins hold their breath awaiting first sign of life... 'Hello world!'
MIT, Analog get into some RISC-y business “Hello, World! I am RV16XNano, made from CNTs.” That’s the friendly message emitted by a RISC-V-based chip made entirely out of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and revealed on Wednesday.…
Drop by the Cloud Shack and you could win free tickets to Nutanix's .NEXT Europe 2019 event
Tune into expert-led eight-part video series and bag fear gear Promo Nutanix will dispense valuable advice on ways to modernize your data centre in an eight-part series of videos that you can view throughout August, in what the California-based cloud computing software company calls its Cloud Shack.…
Behind time and way over budget, but the James Webb Space Telescope has finally been put together
Let's hope the sunshield doesn't get ripped off again, eh? The long-awaited James Webb Space Telescope has finally been assembled, NASA announced on Wednesday.…
Hey, it's 2019. Quit making battery-draining webpages – say makers of webpage-displaying battery-powered kit
Save the family joules, urge Apple's WebKit developers Apple WebKit engineers Benjamin Poulain and Simon Fraser have offered advice to web developers about how to design power-efficient web pages, to preserve the life of mobile device batteries and give users move time interacting with web content.…
Today's Resident Evil: Ransomware crooks think local, not global, prey on schools, towns, libraries, courts, cities...
Small governments make up two-thirds of infection victims observed by infosec bods Ransomware criminals have taken a particular shine to US city and state governments, infecting them with file-scrambling extorionware in hope of quick payouts.…
Are US border cops secretly secreting GPS trackers on vehicles without a warrant? EFF lawyers want to know
Uncle Sam sued by rights warriors probing claims of silent snooping on suspicious rides The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has sued [PDF] the US Department of Homeland Security to find out more about a program where, it is claimed, officers secretly stick GPS trackers on vehicles they are suspicious of as they come through the border.…
Bloke who claimed he invented Bitcoin must hand over $5bn of e-dosh in court case. He can't. He's waiting for a time traveler to arrive
Of course it's Craig Wright The man who claims to have invented Bitcoin has been ordered by a Florida court to hand over half of his stash of the cyber-money, worth an estimated $5bn, to the estate of his dead business partner.…
Come on, hackers, do your worst ‒ Facebook opens Portal gizmo to Pwn2Own exploit fest
Thousands of dollars and new kit up for grabs if you can blow a hole in Zuck's video-conf gear Facebook is opening its Portal videoconferencing hardware to hackers for the first time at the upcoming Pwn2Own Tokyo competition.…
IT biz Web Yoga adopts contrition pose, admits it turned blind eye to college's H-1B visa fraud
Wright State University broke rules by loaning out software engineers via solutions biz IT staffing outfit Web Yoga pleaded guilty on Wednesday to knowing about – and failing to report – employment visa fraud that the Ohio-based biz benefited from at the nearby Wright State University.…
Twice in one month: Microsoft updates new-style Terminal preview
Kills roaming settings, makes HTML copy 'incontrovertible' You can now get a Windows Terminal preview without the roam-tastic settings after 0.4 appeared in the Microsoft Store in Windows 10, replacing version 0.3 which it kicked out just a few weeks ago.…
Microsoft's only gone and published the exFAT spec, now supports popping it in the Linux kernel
exFAT heading towards Open Invention Network's Linux System Definition Microsoft has published the technical specification for exFAT, a file system widely used for removable storage devices.…
European Commission inserts yet another probe into Google. This time it's the job ads service
Competition Commish Margrethe Vestager confirms latest piercing The European Commission is investigating Google for illegally favouring its own job ads service over rivals.…
Researchers studying Facebook's impact on democracy decry lack of data access, warn: We'll walk...
Programme to shine a light on elections lacks transparency Researchers studying the influence Facebook has on democracy are threatening to quit over a lack of access to the antisocial network's data.…
GIMP open source image editor forked to fix 'problematic' name
Release the GIMP: Glimpse project founded to avoid branding that some find offensive Interview Glimpse is a fork of the popular open source image editor, GIMP, created primarily to offer the software under an alternative name.…
Keynotes by serverless pioneers, top real-world advice from experts, all-day workshops... this conference is perfect for you, Register readers
Book now – Serverless Computing London early-bird offer expires soon Event If you’re thinking about saving money by going serverless, you should start by going to Serverless Computing London AND some money.…
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson moves to shut Parliament
This will end well UK PM Boris Johnson will attempt to close Parliament in order to push through a no-deal Brexit without interference from pesky voters' representatives in the form of MPs.…
Never tell me the odds! Oracle makes fresh appeal against $10bn JEDI ruling
Out of options we are running Oracle is having one last shake of the dice by going back to court to try to force the Pentagon to reconsider kicking it out of the running for the $10bn contract to run cloud services for the US Department of Defense.…
Time to spin the wheel of pwnage! This week, malware can infect your…. Android set-top box!
IoT botnets move into the home theater market in search of low-hanging fruit Set-top tuner boxes have become the infection vector in the spread of Internet of Things malware.…
Home Office told to stop telling EU visa porkies
Government dept finally called out... by Britain's ad watchdog. We guess everyone else was busy UK ad watchdog the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has told the Home Office to pull a radio advert aimed at encouraging Europeans living in the UK to apply for "settled" status, because it is misleading.…
Back to school with El Reg - how about a chunky Lenovo for the student in your life?
The second generation 300e for when your little darling simply must have Windows 10 Hands On With a new school term fast approaching, The Register has got its claws on Lenovo's second generation 300e laptop, a device aimed fairly and squarely at students.…
Dixons hits back at McAfee's £30m antivirus sueball: Your AV didn't work on Windows 10S
And that's why we flirted with your nemesis Symantec, Brit retailer claims Brit retailer Dixons has lashed back at McAfee's £30m High Court broadside, saying it was entitled to promote rival antivirus (AV) tech from Symantec if McAfee's software wouldn't work on Windows 10S devices.…